Mainstreaming Biodiversity and Ecosystem

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:Desember 2016
Type:Norad-innsamlede rapporter
Utført av: Helle Biseth, Liu Rui, Kristine Stubberud
Bestilt av:Den norske ambassaden i Beijing
Tema:Biologisk mangfold, Klima og miljø
Antall sider:42
Prosjektnummer:CHN-2152 14/0036

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The Norwegian Embassy in Beijing has requested a Mid-term review of the project 14/0036 Mainstreaming Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Values into Policy Making in China.

Based on a ToR drafted by the embassy, the Review Team has assessed the relevance, design, progress, efficiency, outcome and sustainability including cross-cutting elements of the project. The main project implementation partners are Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences - CRAES (China) and Norwegian Environmental Agency – NEA (Norway).

The cooperation between Norwegian and Chinese environmental authorities is based on a MoU between the Environmental Ministries of the two countries. The issue of environmental degradation and how to integrate environmental concerns into local and national planning is an issue both countries are working on. The outputs delivered by the project is expected to feed into the Chinese TEEB Programme (The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity).

The total financial contribution from MFA/RNE Beijing is NOK 20.384.300. RNE Beijing transfers funds to CRAES and NEA based on disbursement requests co-signed by the other party. Additional to this, China provides co-funding in kind by providing staff and facilities as well as some direct financing to cover for the underfunding of Chinese based activities due to the weak Norwegian currency. As for the specific outputs, there has been some delays, but the planned deliverables have been produced.

The report from the Norwegian partners on Norwegian and European experiences was found useful by the Chinese partners. Input from the Norwegian side into the Chinese reports and valuation studies have been limited, but both parties work to increase the interaction – especially in the early stages of a delivery.

The efficiency of the project is deemed as acceptable. The Norwegian partners have the adequate knowledge and experience to share technical knowledge relevant for the Chinese partners.

The Review Team have advised that NEA (and if relevant Vista) experts stay longer in the country when visiting China. With regard to sustainability of project interventions, the Team emphasises that the project activities must be carried out in advises close cooperation with MEP and the TEEB office. Gender, Human Rights and Anti-corruption are seen as the main cross-cutting issues. The Team has highlighted some issues with regard to gender, and will advise the parties to be more aware of gender issues both when formulating questions for future studies and in selection of lead researchers.

The corruption risk is seen as low in this project; there are no physical investments and payment to sub-contracting institutions are linked to deliverables.

Conclusions as well as a list of the main recommendations can be found in the last chapter. The recommendations made by the Review team are have been divided in Recommendations specific to the project and Other recommendations. As a whole the project is well on track in the opinion of the Review Team.