Review of Norwegian Budget Support to the Palestinian Authority 2010-2017

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:Oktober 2017
Type:Norad-innsamlede rapporter
Utført av:Arne Disch, Scanteam, team leader and Asad Awashra, PFM expert, Palestine
Bestilt av:Norad – Section for Development Strategy and Economic Governance
Antall sider:77

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Norad contracted Scanteam to carry out a review of the Norwegian budget support to the Palestinian Authority (PA) during the period 2010-2017, with focus on the last three years 2014-2016. The funding has been provided through the World Bank-administered Palestinian Reform and Development Plan Trust Fund (PRDP TF), which was established in 2008. Norway has provided a total of NOK 2.5 billion, of which NOK 660 million during these last three years.

The main reason for this financing is Norway’s support for the two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and thus a future independent and sovereign Palestinian state. While this is a political issue that is to be addressed through a negotiation process, the budget support ensures that the PA is able to continue as an operational executive of an emergent state, developing policies, practices, structures and capacities consistent with those required by such a state. TF budget support is thus strategic and critical for the two-state solution to remain a viable option.