Outcome assessment report for the period 2020-21

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Utgitt:Oktober 2021
Utført av:Joseph Banzi (Lead consultant)
Bestilt av:NCA
Antall sider:99

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Objective: This outcome assessment for the period January 2020 – September 2021 aimed for providing the status of implementation of the NCA programme 2020-24. To highlight key findings, success, challenges, lessons learnt from key thematic areas namely, Climate Smart Economic Empowerment, Fighting Inequality, Strengthening Civil Society, and Gender-Based Violence. It provides recommendations on priority actions or change of direction needed to deliver on the project outcomes by the end 2024.

Method: The outcome assessment employed cross-sectional, mixedmethods approach that included collecting and analyzing quantitative and qualitative data (both primary and secondary) to address each assessment objective including getting the verified performance indicators from the four thematic areas namely, Interfaith actions to strengthen civil society; addressing Gender Based Violence; Climate Smart Economic Empowerment and Fighting Inequality. The quantitative approach was used to quantify selected measurements of indicators and Qualitative methods gave a full description of facts, phenomena, and trends under assessment, FGD was used to gather perspectives, clarification and additional information generated from other interview methods. The strategies that were used were participatory: e.g., Focus Group Discussions (FGD), in depth interviews and Key Informants Interview (KII), other strategies included desk reviews, spot check observation and structured observation. Data collected from different methods were triangulated to enhance credibility and consistency of evaluation findings. The assessment also included generation of best practices and stories emanating from beneficiaries and other key stakeholders in the selected assessment areas of the programme interventions with focus on the thematic areas and intended theory of change and outcome.

Key Findings and recommendations:

  • Basing on the findings in this evaluation the evaluation team concluded that NCA had great achievement in implementation of project activities as most of the objectives were implemented according to the project plan. However, project components sustainability has to be determined. According to the observation made by the evaluation team, the community in the intervention area seems to be happy of having these projects in their hands. The evaluator therefore proposes that on availability of resources NCA team to think of strengthening the established platforms. The remaining period of the program provides chance of implementing the remaining milestones to make the activities sustainable in intervention areas. Among other areas the evaluator recommends Continued supportive supervision and strengthening of community platforms to be given priority.
  • On the other hand, the evaluation team concluded that the sustainability of the established projects is in the hands of the Partners, community members themselves and government experts. This is because various components of the project touch the lives of people at grass route level. The evaluation team therefore recommends that in order to make the project components sustainable and self-running, there should be continuous engagement and reporting to the government throughout the remaining project period, for them to be informed of what is going on in the intervention areas. This will help the government to understand real what is happening in the community in Tanzania through NCA initiatives and enforce various actions.
  • It was also concluded that NCA has initiated the unique projects in Tanzania, helping people to have peace, unity and work hard to enable them climb out of poverty. The intervention areas/Tanzania has been very lucky to receive this program which uncovered several issues and challenges from the community which also might be unknowingly happening to other community members in other regions of Tanzania. The evaluator sees the importance of implementing similar programs in other regions in Tanzania. Therefore, on availability of support NCA should think to help other regions in Tanzania to benefit from these services. Precaution should be taken on considering sustainability issues from the beginning of the project.
  • Also, the Assessment team recommends that Leaders, especially key decision makers DC and DED office should be informed on the magnitude of the GBV problems, sharing such testimonies, it may influence budget allocation for such incidences.
  • It is also recommended by the assessment team that while continuing engaging government officials in project implementation, NCA should continue strengthening partners and community leaders by training them on planning, leadership, Resource mobilization and organizational strengthening to enable quality delivery of services in the intervention area but also to guarantee the sustainability of the program.
  • According to the evaluator’s observation, there seems a need to integrate CSEE projects with other thematic areas project. This is because wherever the assessment team passed it felt like CSSE is backing up the economic income of individuals. Also, they rely on it as source of food. If this is going to be integrated with other NCA projects, it will help to reduce complains of other groups on need of supportive allowances like paralegals.
  • The assessment team recommends that for the remaining period of the project implementation NCA and Partners should continue to work hard in facilitating review of policies, laws, norms, and practices that promote GBV. This will help the NCA country strategies goals be realized and KPIs targets be met.
  • The evaluator recommends that NCA and Partners to take into consideration the recommendation made during the assessment of ‘meeting and educating clan/tribe elders for the purpose of harmonizing the Isale Culture’. This will help realization of the NCA Country strategy aim of saving lives and seeking justice. If this culture will not be intervened GBV issues in Kilimanjaro Region will end up in the hands of elders silently. Paralegals will not be in a better position because they do a lot of efforts which later ends up in family solutions backed up by Isale culture.
  • The assessment team recommends for increased efforts to enable more women and girls to actively participate in leadership roles in own platforms and to enable them to speak-out publicly against GBV.
  • The Assessment team still recommends that, survey to be conducted to establish the proportion of people joining Affordable health insurance in the intervention areas and follow up should be done on the decisions taken by members of parliament on the bill advocating for universal coverage. This will help to establish the impact of NCA position paper and NCA Activities in Tanzania concerning Universal health coverage.
  • When the government act slow in decision making process, the assessment team suggest that NCA Continue close following up, the implementation of document agreed actions and share. Where necessary engage other levels and follow up when the government act slow in decision making process.
  • The Assessment team suggests Provision of ID cards to PETS to enable smooth running of their activities in their communities. The assessment team recommends NCA to facilitate the designing of the ID card and let Partners supervise the provision of ID Cards.
  • Inclusion for people with disabilities in the project implementation plans. The development of disability inclusion strategy would add value to the actions taken by NCA to meet the 2030 Agenda of ‘living no one being’.