UNDCF end-term evaluation

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Utgitt:August 2021
Utført av:NCA Tanzania office
Bestilt av:Norwegian Church Aid
Antall sider:26

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On 21st May 2020, NCA Tanzania was contracted by UNCDF to implement a permaculture initiative in Kigoma. The initiative builds on UNCDF’s work on Youth and Women Economic Empowerment (YWEE). Other UNCDF contracted partners such as KIYADO, DRC and GNTZ have been working to support village loan and savings groups in Kasulu, Kibondo and Kakonko. NCA’s mandate is to continue supporting these groups by introducing the Micro Investing concept, with proof of the Money Journey Model concept. The key intervention areas include access to micro irrigation kits for horticultural production, bundled with quality inputs (seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides), agronomic support through employed agronomists as well as digital extension (e-learning and e-extension). The end term internal evaluation was conducted to identify areas for improvement for future programme design and implementation as well as realizing the project goals were achieved. Specifically, the evaluation aimed at assessing the demographic demonstration in relation to the production, also identifying the current sources of income if the farmers were able to prioritize the horticultural production to increase their income. The study also assessed the extent to which producers were able to borrow their savings and invest into horticultural production as well as in general improved farming practises.



The evaluation was a cross-sectional, mixed-methods approach that included collecting and analysing quantitative and qualitative data (both primary and secondary) to address each evaluation objective. Specific methods of data collection used by the survey team include document review, structured individual interview to farmers and key informant interview (KII) who were the Agronomists. The Agronomist are the focal persons for the project specifically in providing the technical support to farmers to increase productivity.


Key Findings:

The internal end term survey covered 150 respondents; 39% (59) were men, and 61% (91) women.

57% (N = 85; 53 women; 32 men) of the people interviewed reported to borrow their savings from their saving and landing groups to invest in agricultural production especially horticultural farming. It was further realized that less than 50% (N = 15; 10 women, 5 men) of respondents in Kibondo borrow their savings to invest in horticultural production. The results shown that 82% (N = 70; 42 women; 28 men) used the loan for agricultural related activities including purchasing of improved inputs; seeds. Fertilizers and pesticides). Only five respondents reported to use the loan for non-agricultural needs. There was a great improvement on farmers to invest on agricultural production compared during baseline survey whereby only 32% of respondents invested their borrowed savings in agriculture related needs. The survey revealed that 93% (N = 140; 86 women; 54 men) are members of producer groups. The rate has increased compared to baseline survey as only 18% of respondents were members. It was reported by respondents that 91% (N = 136; 83 women; 53 men) were not benefited from those producer groups. Only fourteen respondents reported to benefit from those groups. The reasons reported for those responses were that the purchasing agricultural inputs and searching for markets were not collectively done.

100% (N = 150; 91 women; 51 men) are still using drip irrigation and all of them have the plan to continue using them. This is a remarkable achievement compared to baseline. The baseline showed that there was heavy reliance on rain for crop production and when irrigation was applied, this is done using watering cans. It was realized that 77% (N = 115; 69 women; 46 men) reported the drip irrigation technology to be sustainable method for getting the income as the technology is using little water for irrigation compared to can method. 100% of respondents reported to use improved agricultural inputs including seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides and 100% of respondents had the plan of continuing using improved agricultural inputs. 94% (N = 141; 84 women; 57 men) of respondents had mobile phone for accessing the messages of improving productivity as well as COVID – 19 messages. 90% (N = 135; 80 women; 55 men) of respondents received the e-learning training on improving agricultural practises to complement the work done by six employed Agronomists. This filled the gap identified during the baseline survey whereby it was realized that farmers depended on self-acquired knowledge of agriculture. 73% (N = 110; 67 women; 43 men) of respondents reported to be benefited from commercial linkages to service providers. Comparing with baseline information achievements of the project has been realized on farmers to be trained collectively.

No improvement has been observed on dietary diversity compared to baseline survey.

All respondents 100% (N = 91) reported to access the reusable sanitary pads and declared to their menstrual hygiene management has much improved their participation in economic activities and build their self-esteem and confidence. This is the great improvement compared to baseline survey whereby only 12% of respondents reported to have access to affordable and reusable pads/towels.

Project sustainability: To sustain the project beyond the funding period, the 39 producer groups with 513 (370 women; 143 men) will be handled over to local government authorities to continue getting support from Extension Officers.