Assessment of the indigenous people component of NCA in Guatemala, external evaluation

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Utført av:María Luisa Cabrera Pérez Armiñan
Bestilt av:Norwegian Church Aid (KN)
Antall sider:0

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NCA has been working with indigenous people in Guatemala since 1976.  NCA aimed to identify the different approaches and perspectives worked from that date and to analyze the capacities that NCA and local partners have improved for the promotion of the cultural rights, the construction of the citizenship and the consolidation of the ethnical identity in the country.

Purpose/ Objective:
To document the Indigenous People programmatic profile of NCA in Guatemala from 2002 to 2008 offering recommendations to follow up.

It was hired an external consultant who implemented a participatory process with representatives of selected partners and with some key indigenous leaders at national level.  The reading of existing documents in NCA and in regards with public policies related to Indigenous People as well interviews with NCA local staff were also part of the method.

Key Findings:
a) NCA has changed from a needs-approach to a rights-based approach in regards to indigenous people in Guatemala.  The promotion of the cultural rights of indigenous people is a result of this change. This new type of work has been discussed with the partners to offer an integrated development to the people.  As a result, NCA decided to identify an indigenous peoples Programme, and to take it as a mainstreaming focus due to the fact that indigenous peoples represents most than the half of the total population of Guatemala and because of the marginalization and violations of their socio-economic and political rights.
b) The institutional policy of NCA is based on values shared with different peoples, which promote a multicultural
citizenship based on the knowledge and the respect of people as an historical and political actor.  Equity, rights and
participation are main programmatic focus.
c) NCA has documented the relevant experience with Indigenous Peoples. This documentation shows a high level of
discussion inside NCA with regards to this issue. The concern and reflections regarding how indigenous peoples’ rights must be respected in a social conflict and the post-peace context are frequently in the debates.

a) NCA’s work should be addressed to confront the racism and the discrimination against indigenous peoples
b) NCA’s work should improve the new leadership of indigenous peoples, supporting the political training of young
people and women, particularly.
c) NCA’s work should create new practices for the promotion of multicultural balance and power relations.  Trust,
synergies and dialogue are important aspects to include in the work.
d) NCA’s work should improve alliances and coordinated work with regard to the development of Indigenous Peoples.

Comments from Norwegian Church Aid (if any):
Follow up: NCA will define a political and programmatic strategy on the work with indigenous people in Latin America.
Coordination between NCA’s technical resources as well as partner’s exchange will be developed.