Evaluation of the impact of the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI)

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Utført av:Palestinian Counseling Centre
Bestilt av:Norwegian Church Aid (KN)
Tema:Sivilt samfunn
Antall sider:0

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The scope of this evaluation is to measure the impact and the relevance of the EAPPI (qualitatively and quantitatively) to the people in the communities the EAPPI works in and to recommend changes in the current objectives and monitoring system.

Purpose/ Objective:

The EAPPI started operating in the occupied Palestinian territories with a mission to support local and international efforts to end the Israeli occupation and bring a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with a just peace, based on international law and relevant United Nations resolutions. In order to achieve the mission, the EAPPI adopted three different strategies to conduct their work; prevention and remedial protection, advocacy and awareness raising and self reflection and learning.


The Palestinian Counseling Centre conducted the evaluation by dividing the EAPPI programs and activities into three. The first being the general public crossing checkpoints and agricultural gates where the Ecumenical Accompaniers are present, the second were the communities targeted by settlers and the third were the organizations and individuals who work closely with the EAPPI.

The data was gathered through questionnaires, focus groups and in depth interviews. The data gathered was then analyzed, discussed and the main evaluation findings were produced.

Key Findings:

As far as the EAPPI strategy of prevention and remedial protection is concerned, the data gathered by PCC clearly shows that all aspects of the EAPPI’s programs have an impact on their target groups. Over 50% of the people surveyed at checkpoints confirmed that they benefited to varying extents from the EAs presence at the checkpoints and gates. When it comes to communities subjected to settlers and soldiers attacks and abuse, the impact of the EAPPI is much more felt and appreciated by the villagers. In the case of Yanoun the villagers could go back to their homes only when they were accompanied by internationals. In Sousya, the villagers clearly stated that international presence is contributing to a large extent to the families being able to maintain a living. Both communities clearly stated that without international presence in their villages they would not have been able to stay.

The impact of the EAPPI’s advocacy work was measured mainly through questions made to the organizations and individuals who closely cooperate with the EAPPI. The general public was also asked to value the EAPPI’s advocacy work. The data gathered clearly shows that a large percentage of the people asked view advocacy work as very important. They view the EAPPI’s advocacy work as more important because the EAPPI is affiliated to the World Council of Churches. More advocacy and media work should be done both nationally and internationally to bring about the desired change.


From the report it is clear that overall the EAPPI in the West Bank and East Jerusalem has a positive impact on the lives and livelihoods of many Palestinians. It is recommended that priority importance be given to smaller and remote checkpoints and gates, while coordinating with other programs such as Machsom Watch and others to be present at the other checkpoints. The EAPPI’s program that aims at protecting communities at risk of settlers’ attacks and / or evictions should be improved and enlarged. The advocacy work of the EAPPI should be developed into a program with clear goals and objectives, target audiences, key messages and outcomes that clearly define the desired changes in policies and positions.

The objectives and monitoring system are intact but need further development and improvement. Specific intermediate objectives need to be formulated as well as clear and measurable indicators. Work plans also need to be prepared against which reports should be produced. These measures if taken will undoubtedly improve the monitoring and evaluation system which in turn will improve the quality of the work as well as the quality of the reports produced.