Mid-Term Evaluation of Save the Children Norway Zambia Country supported Programmes

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Utført av:KW Planning and Development Consultants, Zambia
Bestilt av:Save the Children Norway (Redd Barna)
Antall sider:0
Prosjektnummer:ZAM- 07/024

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The strategic period of the country program had been ongoing for over two years and there was a need for the organization to see if the program was relevant, the activities and results on track as well as whether procedures were cost effective. Furthermore, as the program was implemented trough partners, it was of importance to document the communities´, especially the children´s, experiences.

- Contribute to learning in the organization as a whole, with the aim of improving the quality of     programmes and the effects of resources used
- Give input to an eventual up-scaling of the CP in Zambia and contribute to planning of the next strategic period i.e. the next four year long-term plan (2010-2013)
- Detect key factors that influence on impact
- Contribute to the estimation and documentation of results and impact of the work carried out by SCN-Z.

- assess the progress made so far in implementing the four year plan, document results and as far as possible evaluate impact
- assess the quality of the three programmes i.e. Basic Education, HIV/AIDS and Child Rights, and, how they respond
to improving the lives of children
- gauge the understanding by all players of SCN policies and procedures and how these are applied to the three
- assess the relevance of the procedures and systems employed to build partnerships and how these are relevant to
achieving the CP’s objectives.

52 institutions including community and regular schools, Community Based Organizations, Government and quasi-Government institutions, Colleges, NGOs, funding agencies and SC organizations were visited and interviews held with their representatives. In total 707 respondents were consulted. Participatory qualitative and quantitative evaluation methods and instruments were used. Data  was collected trough In-depth interviews with key informants, direct Observations,Transect Walks, Social Mapping, Seasonal Calendar, checklists and desk study techniques. Collection was limited by long distances, non availability of key informants, late mobilization of communities for meetings, non provision of partner documents and logistical problems.

Key findings
- At Country Office Level all departments have performed well and exhibit a high degree of functional integration,
coordination and high staff motivation. There is a good balance between office work, training, supervision and monitoring of partners. The “Partners Forum” meetings have been effectively used to train and share experiences.
- Collaboration and cooperation with funding agencies, the Zambian Government and other implementing partners have been harmonious. However efforts should be made to strengthen partnership building and advocacy by working closely with civil society organizations and targeting policy makers in key positions.
- The broad outlook of potential sustainability and prospects for replicating most of the CP interventions is good.
However lack of political will and comprehensive support from the Zambian Government institutions is a threat to sustainability.
- SCN-Zambia has an insufficient capacity in procurement, logistics management and IT support. Disbursements to
partners are some times delayed. The program needs to be more cost effective and more resources could be channeled to improving the quality of life of children;
- Starting up Child Rights and HIV/AIDS programme areas had been delayed

- Develop a Strategy to safeguard Institutional Memory, establish an operational Docmentation and Knowledge
Management system and a comprehensive Monitoring and Evaluation framework. Integrate existing strategic planning tools and instruments into a standard Logical Framework Matrix (LFM)
- Improve resource utilization by reduce the number of monitoring visits, workshops and conferences and channeling
resources to other uses such as direct support for children
- Identify and establish partnerships for complementary work with CSOs working in SCN-Z supported areas, strengthen advocacy work using media. Ensure that advocacy work is grounded on children’s experiences, needs and realities.

Comments from the organisation
A methodolically good review, stressing the relevance of the programme and of the focus on partnerships. However finding weaknesses in the organization´s business processes as well as highlighting the importance of addressing activities and funding more directly to children.