Program Evaluation of “Empowering Girls and Women for Prevention and Protection from Trafficking” Project Implemented by Shakti Samuha

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Utgitt:Oktober 2008
Utført av:Save the Children Norway
Bestilt av:Save the Children Norway
Antall sider:0

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Partnership between Save the Children Norway Nepal (SCNN) and Shakti Samuha began in 2002 with the goal of preventing girls and women from being trafficked and protecting the rights of trafficking survivors through raising their self-respect, confidence and dignity. At present, Shakti Samuha has been implementing the program, “Empowering Girls and Women for Prevention and Protection from Trafficking” in two VDCs in Sindhupachock, three VDCs in Nuwakot, three VDCs in Makwanpur, two VDCs in Rautahat, two VDCs in Bara and seven slum areas in Kathmandu Valley.


• To assess how far the interventions/activities are effective to achieve the set project objectives for contributing towards the goal.

• To find out how far the project strategies and approaches are appropriate to address the needs and rights of the target group.

• To assess to what extent the programme has been effective in terms of developing collaboration networks and advocacy with like-minded organizations and the government.

• To explore Shakti Samuha’s management system, policies and SCNN’s partnership relation with Shakti Samuha in the context of quality result achievement as set in the agreement.


Literature review, focus group discussions, use of impact flow chart, case studies, field observations, capacity assessment and scoring, SWOT and PRA tools were adopted for collection of information for the study.

Key Findings

• Shakti Samuha’s work has been significantly contributing to achieve SCNN"s Strategic objectives of “prevention and protection from violence and sexual abuse” against children. The approach has been effective for socio - psychological empowerment of the survivors and also to create sense of solidarity among the survivors.

• Since 2005, about 18,261 people have actively participated in the awareness raising, interaction and advocacy activities organized by SS in Kathamndu valley and 5 trafficking prone districts.

• Likewise, the project has helped to rehabilitate and reintegrate 3,141 survivors from trafficking, violence and sexual abuse through counseling, rehabilitation and reintegration. Among them, 140 poor students are receiving the educational support for continuing their study.

• The nature of the awareness raising and advocacy activities and the manner in which they were conducted in the target areas have proved effective and has reduced occurrences of trafficking and sexual abuse.

• The collaboration and network for advocacy and lobbying with like-minded organizations and government has been very effective. SS has also been able to run the rehabilitation center in Sindhupalchok set up by the Government. Furthermore, SS actively lobbied and advocated to incorporate survivors’ perspective in the new law on trafficking. Consequently, it was able to incorporate survivors’ perspective in the” Human Trafficking (Control) Act endorsed in 2007.

• Similarly, coordination and collaboration with women police cell and community police found effective to handle the case of trafficking sensitively and provide support to each other.

• The government representatives shared that SS has supported their work through actively addressing the issues of trafficking, abuse and different types of violation against girls and women. As a token of recognition, in 2007 the Ministry awarded SS for its successful work on Anti Trafficking Day. This year, the former chairperson and member of the Executive Committee, Anu Tamang was awarded for her dedication towards the issue of trafficking.

• Most of the members felt that they were socially empowered while they still lagged behind in economic empowerment. Despite several efforts, SS has not been very effective in economic empowerment of the survivors.


• SS has been found to be only focusing on girl trafficking taking place from Nepal to India. Given the changing trend of trafficking in foreign countries, like gulf countries and other countries the organization requires revisiting the mission, redefining target group assessing the present trend and context.

• For sustainable reintegration, economic empowerment is crucial. SS needs to develop strategic direction with clear vision and strong emphasis on economic empowerment. A separate unit for economical development is essential for effective reintegration of the survivors.

• Counseling is the key approach for confidence building, to gain the self-respect and to create feeling of optimism within the survivors. SS needs to improve the counseling skill of its staff both at the center as well as at the district level.

• Collaborative planning and developing joint programme for synergetic effects and sustainability should be initiated with other agencies and potential donors for the rehabilitation of the survivors.

• Following several deliberations with the Executive Committee members of SS and referring to the practices of other activist organizations, it is recommended to retain the Executive Chairperson or Executive Secretary from the Board as the key person to keep track of the organization's vision and mission.