Community Participation in Local Governance (Maputo, Gaza, Inhambane & Cabo Del Gado)

Om publikasjonen

Utført av:Mr. Fernando Manete, Consultant
Bestilt av:Norwegian Church Aid
Antall sider:0

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The pilot phase of the project was implemented during the period 2005-2008 in six municiplalities: Monte Puez; Mocimba da Pria, Vilanculos, Maxixe/Inhambane, Xai-Xai and Manhica. The project was designed with the following two broad objectives:

• To sensitize local churches to develop a working relationship with municipal councils in order to guarantee effective accountability of the later.
• To encourage and build capacity of communities to participate in municipal governance by monitoring municipal budgets

The objective stems from the partnerships that CCM and NCA have developed over the years at regional level and in particular the civic experiences of both organizations. It is especially worth mentioning the highly renowned project Transforming Arms into Ploughshares (TAE) implemented by CCM in Mozambique and the experience of NCA in establishing a partnership with South African organisations in KwaZulu Natal with the aim of building community capacity to participate in local governance. A common denominator and driving force is the challenge to construct active citizenship, especially at local level.

Purpose/ Objective: To evaluate:
- the results and achievements of the project during the pilot phase
- the challenges that emerged during the implementation of the pilot
- Generate recommendations providing steps to improve future planning of interventions
- The internal governance in terms of institutional and management aspects of the project
- Effectiveness of training; In terms of preparations, implementation and results
- Political acceptance of the initiative: in terms of resistance and support from local authorities (municipal governments) and other stakeholders, such as political parties

The evaluation used a methodology consisting of desk review of documents mainly reports; semi structured interviews with management team at CCM national office, provincial delegates, district representatives trainees and trainers; debate meetings and data analysis

Key Findings:
•Stakeholder involvement was low during the formulation phase of the project – sometimes led to challenges and conflicts in the implementation of the project
• Despite the challenges, the levels of knowledge sharing was very high and effective
• Use of an external consultancy (SA based) sometimes .....the local context of the project
• Increased citizens’ capacity and confidence in participation has increased and helps the government to understand that the people have the right to be heard and the community must understand its role, “we now know that the communities are watching us because of increased knowledge from this training” remarked the mayor of Ponte Puez during an NCA visit in 2009
• The project does have an open space so that this and other similar initiatives including those resulting from the capacities generated from this project implementation and others can find a good environment and cooperation in the people living in the municipalities targeted by the project

• Ensure the process of the project design and review is participatory, involving all direct partners and a broader discussion and sharing of the project information and the resulting contribution must be taken into account while implementing the project at all levels with the participation of all the targeted groups
• More autonomy should be given to the organisation operative structures linked to the project implementation in terms of functional articulation and technical and financial support. This must be on the basis of an institutional policy of decentralization which provides to the project managers more responsibility and role of protagonists
• The institutional conditions should allow more information sharing, documentation and participation of all in the project implementation monitoring as well as in the disbursement likelihood
• Technical partnerships and networking should be establishes at the content level especially in what refers to use and sharing of existing capacities at all levels targeted by the project, within the organisation and national working networks, working in collaboration with the regional and international networks that can contribute to the project
• Design an organizational policy of incentives/stimulus to allow a better commitment of the people in the municipalities o that there is responsibility and commitment
• Develop a strategy for permanent and regular (institutionalised) dialogue with the local governments so that the levels on interaction are consolidated.

Comments from Norwegian Church Aid (if any):
The Project has been instrumental in bringing ordinary citizens in participating in governance and economic justice issues at local/grassroots levels. The support to this project should continue and the model should be used in other communities.