Evaluation of Gender Based Violence Program

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Utført av:M. Adama Diawara and Ms. Aissé Diarra Kouyaté
Bestilt av:Norwegian Church Aid
Antall sider:0
Prosjektnummer:NORAD other

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Practices of gender based violence of various sort like FGM and early marriage is usual in Mali.
Gender based violence is a hindrance to development and a source to deprivation and marginalization.
NCA started a Gender Based Violence Program in 2002 with funding from NORAD.
fight violence against women in general, female genital mutilation and early marriage in particular.
The Government and many civil society organizations have acquired competence for the fight against female genital mutilation and early marriage. These include, among others:
- Creation of the National Program of Fight against Excision,
- The establishment of the Malian Network of Fight against FGM (57 national NGOs members of the network to fight against female genital mutilation)
The combined actions of technical structures of the Government, associations and NGOs, technical and financial partners resulted in the fact that the issue of female genital mutilation is no longer a taboo in Mali.

An external evaluation of the fist phase of NCA Program was conducted as a prelude to developing the new 2005-2009 program, which is the subject of this evaluation

Purpose/ Objective:
Key issues: Effectiveness, efficiency, impact, feasibility and sustainability
• Evaluate progress in achieving specific objectives set forth in the GBV Program
• Evaluate the adequacy of the orientation of the interventions in the field of NCA’s GBV in Mali (balance and synergy with national and regional priorities)
• Evaluate the relevance, sustainability, efficiency and effectiveness of strategies adopted by NCA to integrate and implement its interventions in the field of GBV; evaluate that they are sustainable, relevant, efficient and effective in the main areas of work of NCA, the state of its assistance, and its assistance to sustainable development and advocacy
• Identify constraints and challenges in the programs of NCA’s GBV Projects and those of its partners that NCA sustains

• Analysis of documents produced by NCA
• Focus Group discussions
• Interviews of key informants
• Direct observation
• Text analysis

Key Findings:
• Feasibility and sustainability of an intervention depends on partners’ involvement and of their skills, expertise in program design and way of implementation.
• The multidimensional approach (health, rights, culture, religions) promotes both understanding and change of attitude towards Gender Based Violence
• The activities on Gender Based Violence must be long term

• Community mobilization for the fight against Gender Based Violence is tied to the ownership of GBV projects and their genuine participation in their implementation.

1. The core team working on the GBV programs should be strengthened(recruitment of a national agent and / or outsourcing)
2. NCA should investigate and evaluate in depth its partners institutionally and their organizational capacities before making the choice to work with them
3. Ensure partners regular monitoring and evaluation
4. Develop a phase out plan  with partners, while reinforcing their capacity in the process of disengagement
5. NCA should work more closely with religious organizations in the areas of Gender Based Violence
6. Create and animate a framework for periodic consultation with direct partners, specifically on the GBV program
7. Evaluate theater impact as an intervention strategy for advocacy and mobilization in the fight against FGM and fistula (in the Mopti region and the District of Bamako, Koulikoro); evaluate the training on rights ( Wildaf-Mali)
8. Continue to conduct studies and research on Gender Based Violence.

Comments from Norwegian Church Aid:
• The report has several interesting findings, particularly when it comes to aspects related to the partnership between NCA and partners. These are aspects that are relevant also for NCA new Global Strategy, because the shortcomings found in Mali are found in many of the contexts where we work. We therefore have to think about how we can improve our partnership model not only in Mali, but in general. The Mali evaluation gives valuable input to this discussion.
• NCA finds it interesting to read that the issues treated (FGM, fistulas, early marriages) have become better understood by the population and that they are no longer taboos.
• The report is a bit short; there should be some reflection on the general situation for women in Mali when it comes to GBV. In particular, the report could be enriched if it contained a reflection on the important role of the religious leaders in Mali in relation to GBV. These last few months have seen a setback in Mali when it comes to the work in favor of women’s rights, and this setback seems to be mainly caused by the negative involvement of religious leaders.
• NCA miss some general comments on the fact that there has been and still is such massive skepticism/ resistance against a law against FGM in Mali – whereas most of Mali’s numerous neighboring countries have voted such laws. Has the work of NCA/partners at all contributed to a change in attitude when it comes to the need for a law against FGM?
• NCA needs to know if things are starting to actually change also when it comes to the practices. We miss some information/reflection on this in this report.  The consultants have used a qualitative approach, which is in line with the Terms of Reference (ToR). However, it would be enlightening if the consultants had gathered some statistics in order to try to say something about the prevalence of the various forms of GBV that we are fighting through our projects.   Fighting FGM, early marriage and other forms of GBV in Mali requires a lot of time and patience. If the attitudes and knowledge of the population are changing for the better, this is of course a good result for those working in this area.
• The issue of accountability towards the rights-holders is not touched upon explicitly in the report, although it was mentioned as one of the required deliveries by the report.
• Unintended effects: The report does not mention any. Does this mean that there were actually none?
• NCA Added Value for working in the field of GBV in Mali: Has not been explicitly mentioned by the consultants.
• The ToR of the evaluation states that the recommendations of the report should propose “…appropriate and sustainable ways of addressing the needs of women, girls and boys, including female and male youth”. There is no mention in the report of this, neither in the report itself nor in the recommendations”. Actually, the report concentrates a lot on the partnership aspect, and much less on the work on the ground by our partners in relation to the rights-holders. If it is possible to include some thought on this as well in the report, it would definitely improve its quality.