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Utført av:Chrystal N. Holt W. John Howe, Consultants, Asia-Oceania Development Network
Bestilt av:Save the Children Norway
Tema:Utdanning og forskning
Antall sider:0
Prosjektnummer:Basic Education

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SCNiC has been working in Cambodia for over 20 years in the area of education. The primary focus of the education programme throughout this time has been on improving the quality of primary education and supporting increased access to schooling. The programme has evolved and developed over time as the situation within Cambodia has moved from a country in conflict to post conflict to most recently a country which is now in a phase of long term development. The 2006-2009 education programme had four objective components:  (1) Quality Access to Schooling, (2) Quality Access to Education, (3) Quality Access to Learning, and (4) Quality Access to Achievement.

The main purpose of this evaluation is to inform the design and development of the next phase of SCNiC’s support for education (2010 – 2014) in order to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of  the Programme.

The methodology and tools used were developed initially by the consultants and then reviewed with the evaluation team during a three day preparation workshop. Key areas of focus for the evaluation were defined, key questions were developed, sources of  information identified and then methodology and instruments finalised. Methods used included  individual and focus group discussions, gathering of quantitative data, observation and case studies.  The evaluation teams met at the end of each day of fieldwork to review, consolidate and begin analysing  data. Following completion of the fieldwork, a two day data analysis workshop was held in Phnom Penh to reach conclusions regarding the findings in each of the key areas being evaluated.

Key findings   
Programme Management and Implementation:
There was a significant advantage in SCNiC staff being based at the Pronvincial Office of Education (POE).  SCNiC is seen as a major player in education in Cambodia. There were high levels of motivation, skills, experience and flexibility among Education Programme staff. However, the Programme lacked a clear overall education strategy document, had a poorly defined monitoring and evaluation system and no clear advocacy strategy.  Management structure was unwieldy. The lack of an overall Program Director position and the fact that all education staff reported to the Education Programme Manager, resulted in overload and impacted on the effectiveness of management. Bu the recent restructuring has already largely addressed this issue.

Early Childhood Care and Development:
The SCNiC Home Based Early Childhood Care and Development (HBECCD) programme has increased the percentage of children enrolling in ECCD activities in the 6 SCNiC evaluated provinces. Provincial Early Childhood Education staff have increased technical capacity. Good cooperation between all duty bearers for the establishment of HBECCDs in villages is evident. However, current support from pre-school teachers, District Office of Education (DOE) and POE for HBECCD is weak in most target provinces. Limited coordination and communication between SCNiC and the Department of ECE within MoEYS.

Quality of Education: 
Increased familiarity of POE and DOE with the National Curriculum. Teachers are more aware of the importance of linking the curriculum to real life situations. Emphasis from SCNiC has been placed on supporting teachers to better support the slow learners. School can implement a flexible learning schedule. SCNiC has supported average students to continue their studies. However, SCNiC has not documented examples of how the National Curriculum can be linked to real life situation depending on the local context. Limited numbers of teachers have had the opportunity to attend training on the implementation of the curriculum. Not all schools who should consider implementating a flexible learning calendar are doing so. The operation rescue programme is not known or implemented by many of the schools visited as part of the evaluation.

The SCNiC Education programme has made a significant contribution in this area. The target provinces show significant increases in primary level net enrolment rate. However, The operation Rescue package for older students and the flexible learning schedule have not been implemented widely.
System: The presence of SCNiC staff member in the POE in each target province is seen as a considerable strength by the POE and DOE staff members. However, limited programme focus on strengthening overall management and administration system at POE level.

Programme implementation and management:
Programme document for the next phase (2010 – 2014) needs to be finalised.  The Education Programme would benefit from an overall monitoring and evaluation framework, as well as simple easy to use tools. An overall education advocacy plan needs to be developed with the participation of all Education Programme staff. The Education Programme organisational structure needs some further adjustments to ensure adequate technical support on the ground. As suggested in SCNiC’s draft 2010-2014 Basic Education Plan (BEP), the number of target districts needs to be reduced and work undertaken with whole clusters of schools. Greater emphasis needs to be placed on child participation through promoting the student councils
and child centered approach. The target groups of marginalised children to be reached by the 2010-2014 programme need to be clearly identified and appropriate strategies for these children developed.

A separate evaluation of the HBECCD programme should be conducted. The mentoring and support mechanism for HBECCD requires rethinking. The SCNiC monitoring tools need to be reviewed and revised if necessary. Coordination between MoEYS ECE Department and SCNiC needs to be improved.

Quality of Education:
Ways in which schools can be made aware of the flexible learning schedule for areas where communities are living a nomadic lifestyle need to be explored. The overall quality of curriculum implementation needs improvement. SCNiC should place more emphasis on increasing the quality of teaching and learning within the classroom. Identify and work with LNGO(s) to support student councils in pilot localities focusing on child participation and school development plans. Activities on how to reduce the level and incidence of physical and emotional punishment at school need to be a focus.

Group(s) of marginalised children will be targeted by the 2010 -2014. Programme need to be clearly identified and appropriate activities developed to support these children. Consider alternative learning packages for older students who cannot study with younger children - e.g. accelerated learning packages. Conduct studies into the numbers of children who are affected by their parents/families who live a nomadic lifestyle. More professional development opportunities to volunteer/contract teachers at the mini schools need to be provided.

There needs to be continued support to the PEOs in building staff capacity. Capacity building support to DEOs should be expanded. Provide support to head teachers in management, supervision and planning. Schools, DEOs and PEOs need more support on the analysis of data.
IT training needs to be provided to DEO and PEO Planning Section staff. SCNiC should promote more comprehensive implementation of CFS through ensuring that recipients of training have a good overall understanding of the concept.

Comments from the organisation, if any