Final Evaluation of Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) Programme

Om publikasjonen

Utført av:External Consultant, Dr. Basu Dev Kafle and Team
Bestilt av:Save the Children Norway
Tema:Sivilt samfunn, Sosiale tjenester, Barn
Antall sider:0

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The Community Based  Rehabilitation Programme aim for improving the situation of children with disability through fulfillment of child rights. The programme was supported by Save the Children Norway fund and implemented through partnership with four Community Based Rehabilitation Centers in eastern, central and western regions of Nepal. The programme started in 1990 and was phased out in 2009. The programme covers 4 districts of Nepal reaching 141 VDCs and 7 Municipalities. The CBR programme focuses on holistic approach of programme support including : disability functional, raising self-confidence, education and awareness raising  to help the children to be capable of leading an independent life. After the implementation of the programme for more than 19 years, the programme was handed over to the community structure and was phased out in 2009.  
The main purpose of the final evaluation is to assess how far the program has met the stated goal and objectives of the programme in one hand and how far the programme achievements are sustainable on the other. The specific objectives of the evaluation were: i) Assess how far the program design proved to be appropriate and relevant ii) Assess the impact of the program on the beneficiaries and surrounding communities iii) Appraise the sustainability of the programme iv) Assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the project modality of implementation v) Identify lessons learned and best practices of the project, suggesting reasons for particular successes and failures.

Based on the ToR the evaluation team prepared detailed evaluation schemes including checklists and guidelines for different focus group discussion with beneficiary children and their parents, relevant government officials, partner organizations (NGOs), community groups, DDC/VDC officials. Series of annual plans and progress reports from the partners were reviewed, other documents related to the programme and national plans and policies were reviewed. Field visits were conducted in all the programme districts and FGDs and personal interviews were undertaken to collect information. Besides, relevant quantitative data and information were also collected from partners, communities and SC staff. The collected information were grouped under key themes and analysed mostly qualitatively to draw conclusions and findings. Some of the lessons learnt from the programme were also recorded and presented.

Key findings   
i) The CBR organizations are continuing their services irrespective of the phase out policy from SC. In most cases programmes, and working areas are increased because of partnership with government agencies, local donors and INGOs. ii) CBROs are providing necessary support, services and assistive devices for the children with disability.The centers are well recognized for continuing referal, corrective and curative surgery, preventive treatment and other services for PWD/CWD. iii) Home visit activities is recognoized as the most effective strategy for raising awareness on disability, providing PRT, counseling services, identification and classification of disability of Children with Disabilities (CWDs).

i) As the government of Nepal has ratified -UNCRPD, 2006 - in December 2010, the policies and programmes for People with Disabilities (PWD) should be revisited inline with the spirit of the convention. Ii) VDRCs are in need of capacity building so that they can be  empowered to perform their expected responsibilities effectively iii) There is an immediate need of making provisions of special income generating programme and addressing the special issues of doubly disadvantaged groups such as women and poor disabled people. iv) The charity based approach of supporting PWD should be replaced by right based approach focusing the rights of PWD for living dignified life. v) Social security of people with severe intellectual disability, physical disability and multiple disabilities should be institutionalized in order to take care of them after the death of their parents. vi) Girls with disability are highly vulnerable to sexual abuse and violence, special social and health measures should be sought and implemented to protect them from vulnarable situation. vii) An inbuilt monitoring system should be there in the CBR programme in order to ensure its effective implementation and reaching the targeted beneficiries.

Comments from the organisation, if any 
The findings and recommendations have been disseminated to the relevant staff and partners within the organization. The recommendation of the evaluation will be followed up in future similar programming.