Final Report Mid-term evaluation “Football Crosses Frontiers Project”, third period 2008-2012

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:Oktober 2011
Utført av:Willem Vriend, Responsible Consultant and team leader, José Rodolfo Arias V. Responsible Consultant, Héctor Luís De La Quintana, Infrastructure Consultant, Alvaro Illanes Landa, Financial Consultant, Milton Fernandez, Financial Consultant
Bestilt av:Misjonsalliansen
Tema:Kultur og sport
Antall sider:0

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- Project Documentation Review
- The process for collecting primary information was carried out based on a theoretical sampling, for which, it was considered that the evaluation did not need representative statistical information, but a sample that agrees with the quality of outputs and/or components; this is to say, information requested for the evaluation was provided by the project’s responsible individuals.
- Workshops/interviews with institutional responsible individuals; neighbourhood leaders, teachers and trainers; youngsters and children (boys and girls)
- In-depth interviews to leaders, professionals and technicians involved – directly or indirectly – in the project

The Norwegian Missionary Alliance in Bolivia has invited consultants and professionals to carry-out a mid-term evaluation of the “Football Crosses Frontiers” Project, in its third phase, 2008 – 2011, which ends in 2012. The evaluation covered three years of the project’s implementation in order to state some recommendations about the advances made, as well as adjustments and necessary changes for its improvement. The evaluation started in the facilities of MAN-B and GAMEA (Municipal Government of El Alto city) field work was carried out in the sport fields of El Alto, from August 04 to September 30, 2011, according to the ToRs established for this end.

One of the principal recommendations has to do with the initiation of planning and information systematization processes as well as with the generation of methodologies and guides to have a more organized development in the project and its components, to have better outcome indicators. Information systematization will allow having a methodological document for the driving of objectives, goals, outcomes, activities and project indicators. Furthermore, this will allow the systematization of processes to have future sustainability and the transferring of experience in a more systematic and organized manner.

Evaluators conclude that despite the fact the Project has stepped on some difficulties throughout its implementation, it was able to consolidate the objective to benefit the target population. Furthermore, it was also able to incorporate comprehensive orientation and formation on values, which is a resource that strengthens and boosts sports practice as a principal element to enhance the project. This growth and achievements are based on the institutional experience and dynamic of the project’s responsible staff, developed throughout these eight years.

The 2008 – 2012 project objectives comply with the goal for expanding the action area, opening possibilities to contribute to the reduction of delinquency indexes through the practice of sports. It is necessary to understand that the project has a permanent expansion and growth operation capacity to have a better compliance of objectives. For example, sports promotion opens the possibilities of incorporating other sport disciplines, such as, volleyball for other population sectors that somehow are displaced by the characteristics of football. The practice of this other discipline can be used as an integrating vehicle with other social groups or sectors.

Regarding inter-institutional coordination, the Project reached good levels of relationship that can even improve because of its nature, which does not only favour youngsters and children, but it articulates with and incorporates other social sectors in an indirect manner, showing the high social content of the project, benefiting to the entire community. The project was also able to integrate the GAMEA as a principal institutional ally, which adjusts to the objectives and processes outlined by the FCFP, also with other institutions that support these type of activities, generating more expectations and interests in local organizations as well as in institutional partners. The project also articulates with social and human development national policies that prioritize the comprehensive formation of Bolivian people through sports practicing.

In this sense, it is necessary to elaborate studies and assessments for the establishment of technical proposals so that the project reaches sustainability, having as a base its own capacities and experiences. The latter are the only means to guarantee pertinence, permanency and in-time sustainability, which implies the generation of initiatives based on the society’s interests and motivation to have ownership of the project.

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