HIV/AIDS orientation on frontier final evaluation report 2010

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Utført av:Ms Everlyne Nairesiae
Bestilt av:Bistandsnemnda
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The goal of this project was to enhance human and social capacity of people, especially young people in communities across Nigeria to take leadership in facilitating change, care, hope and knowledge transfer by demonstrating increased HIV/AIDS competency that reduces stigma, HIV infection and ensures quality of life, especially for children and youth affected by AIDS.

The main objectives of the evaluation were to assess the relevance, effectiveness and sustainability of the project results on the beneficiaries and assess the institutional capacity in undertaking the project, partnership and networking.
• Identifying the results, successes and limitations of the project according to the indicators in the project application documents.
• Evaluate the relevance of the activities implemented to the needs of the target communities.
• Assess the sustainability of project results with recommendation and suggest recommendations for sustainability strategy.

Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) techniques and gender analysis approaches were used. Review of project documents, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions, survey checklist on knowledge on HIV&AIDS, participant observation were also used. Workshops with key stakeholders including the project management team, TSA Nigeria leadership and representatives of the communities and local government conducted.

Key findings:
The facilitation teams have been established and strengthened. Facilitators constituting youth from schools and DYOs have been able to participate in organizing and mobilizing peers and communities to participate in the project. This is indicative of local response toward sustaining awareness on HIV/transmission and preventive methods.

There has been a significant increase in level of correct knowledge about HIV&AIDS mode of transmission and prevention among the youth/students. The evaluation conducted a number of surveys in the areas where the project operates and established that 78% of the sampled groups had adequate information on mode of transmission and prevention of HIV&AIDS. Out of the 78% who responded correctly, 48% were female.
There is an increase in number of youth facilitators taking leadership positions at Territorial, Divisional and at the Corps Level taking responsibilities such as planning, mobilizing and organizing project activities related to awareness creation.

The project has enhanced opportunities for partnership with government (National AIDS Office) and religious based institutions through engagement with Divisional and Corps facilitation teams.  At national level, TSA collaborates with Government line Ministries including Ministry of Health and Information including Nigeria National Action Committee on AIDS (NACA), with National Agency for Poverty Alleviation Programme (NAPEP) to facilitate micro-credit projects.

The implementation of this project has strengthened TSA Nigeria project management capacities acquired through new experiences and lessons learnt in working with youth and OVC’s. These experiences are being used to improve efficiency in management of activities. Through this project, TSA Nigeria has seen increased sensitivity among her leadership on issues of HIV&AIDS in workplace and programs. TSA Nigeria is currently finalizing the development of a HIV&AIDS policy expected to guide her interventions and ensure mainstreaming of HIV&AIDS in all structures.

Strengthening collaboration with teachers in primary and secondary schools would enable adequate mainstreaming of HIV in schools – through classroom lessons and within the existing school clubs. Teachers should be targeted in formal organized activities which enable them to address HIV&AIDS issues. Information package on HIV can be developed and disseminated to teachers to enable them deliver more effectively in collaboration with the facilitators.

The project needs to strengthen involvement and participation of PLWHA in the project. This will provide insight and motivation on positive living through interaction, disclosure; while encourage formation of new support groups of PLWHA at the Corps level

Enhance collaboration and partnerships with youth and adults of other religious groups. This can be done by deliberately targeting formal structures and leadership of other religious institution at the Corps and TFTs level.
Create national forum for facilitations teams (both youth and adults) from all Divisions, representatives form local government and other denominations to come together, share experiences, learn and develop joint plans of action including strategy and advocacy themes on HIV&AIDS.

There is need to step up advocacy and lobbying component of the project targeting government ministries, local and international development agencies, and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) at national level to ensure recognition of the work done by TSA Nigeria and mobilize resources for HIV&AIDS work.

Comments from the organisation, if any:
Focus on strengthening the capacity of Divisional leaders and youth within the Salvation Army and less effort toward building community structures and institutions to respond to HIV/AIDS is not sustainable. Involvement of traditional leaders, clan leaders and network of Faith Based Organisations in partnership with government in ensuring that government provides these services ought to be enhanced.