Participatory Theater Protection pilot project evaluation

Om publikasjonen

Utført av:Chilumda Nalwamba, Zambian Consultant
Bestilt av:Save the Children Norway
Antall sider:0
Prosjektnummer:Unicef project, no Norad number

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The Swedish concept "Partcipative Theatre", in which children can actively participate and formulate  solutions to a given problem, was introduced to SCN and Unicef in January 2010. The two organizations decided to try it out in a pilot project, conducted in three districts of the Southern Province in May--June 2010. The topic chosen was how to teach/tain children to by themselves avoid situations where sexual abuse could or would occur. In the project was includued an evaluation.  

To find out if the methodology has an added value for children in a Zambian context. 

Document studies, interviews with stakeholders (including children), analyzing a presentation film produced during the theatre peformances

Key findings   
The concept works, children could later refer to learnings from the performance. The methodology filled a gap on children´s knowledge and gave opportunities to discuss issues otherwise being difficult to mention openly.  A system for assisting children after the presentations must be developed (and actually exists in the original concept). Presentations in local language must be considered where necessary. The project idea is suitable for scaling up and the Ministrry of Education must have a key role.

To scale up in collaboration with the Ministry of Education. To include local language. To create a follow up system for children in need of assistance.
SCN is now discussing with Unicef on possible continuation within their Child protection program.