Performance Review of Tamra Reproductive Health and Development Organisation against relevant national strategic frameworks (2004-2009)

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Utført av:External Consultant
Bestilt av:Norwegian Church Aid
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Tamira Reproductive Health and Development Organization /TRHaDO/ was established as “Tamira Youth Reproductive Health anti-AIDS Club” in September 21, 1997. Since then it has been engaged with wider scope of community development agenda envisioning “to see healthier & poverty free generation”. In the past 12 years, the organization has been implementing community development programs, with focus on the youth, and with an effort to align with national development frameworks, particularly the National HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan, the National RH Strategy and the National Adolescent and Youth RH Strategies. TRHaDO has been partnering with NCA since 2001/2.
Purpose and objectives: to check whether Tamra’s implementation in the review period has been guided by national policies and strategies and to draw lessons learnt for organizational improvement and to use the findings as potential inputs for developing future strategic plan document of the organization.

The review encompassed analysis of data collected in different forms, such as review of plan and reports, other secondary sources, interviews and focus groups discussions with multiple groups and stakeholders.

Key Findings: 
Tamra’s implementation found to be in complete harmony with the priorities, objectives/goals, major strategies and key community level actions proposed in the national documents, indicating the pro-activeness and high level understanding of the organization regarding the real problems and needs of its target community. Yet, the organization needs to have a good knowledge and a deliberately aligned plan with relevant national frameworks, along with familiarization of its staff and volunteers, at least, with important strategies and policies.
- The diverse, yet complementary, services of Tamira were expressed as ‘matchless!’ by many, including government sector offices and school communities. Clubs and individual beneficiaries want the services to be expanded to the surrounding areas, considering the services as life saving for the youth and adolescents who are at risk and those who lack the opportunity to openly discuss about RH issues.

- Tamira has facilitated accomplishment of a number of community services with very limited financial budget as well as high degree of acceptance by the community members, CBOs and government offices. Tamra is praised by many as “Models, Pro-active, Pragmatic, Creative! Dynamically adjusting to the changing situations”.

- It can be said that Tamira knows where it wants to go and has a vision shared by its members. Yet, when it comes to the ‘how?’ part, it needs clear written strategy.

- Tamira has developed rich experience in serving the youth, understanding its real needs, passed through a number of challenges and laid the ground for growing into a center of excellence that can share its experiences and replicate itself in different local contexts.
- Finance - Though Tamira is praised for its efficient utilization of resources and winning the support of different partners in the locality, serious budget constraint is found to be one of the limiting factors, hampering its fast move.


- Develop strategic plan and systematic recording of their experience, to grow into a center of excellence, thereby further nurturing the growth of clubs and associations that can take over the regular activities. 

- Build on the existing strengths of gender sensitivity, local resource mobilization and generation of own income, efficient utilization of available fund, integration of programs and services as well as working with parents. 

- As Tamira is doing a remarkable community service; its funding agencies need to keep supporting them, so that they can easily reach the grass root community through Tamira.