External evaluation of Protection and Integration of Street children in Tirana

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Utført av:Coutry Team
Bestilt av:Save the Children
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The center for children working and living in the street is operational in Tirana since February 2009. It is established in close cooperation with Tirana municipality and partnership with local organization “Femijet e Botes dhe te Shqiperise”. It provides a “safe space” for children who can participate in social, educational and recreational activities. All services to children in the Center are carried out in close cooperation and with the agreement of children’s parents or guardians. Children living and working in the street are identified through outreach work, referred to and be provided services which ensure their protection and integration. Qualified staff helps them gain access to health and social services, birth registration and education. During 2011 the project was supported with EU and Save the Children Italy funds.
The evaluation aimed at assessing if aims and objectives were met as stated in the project document, effectiveness of the project and provide recommendations towards its improvement. The evaluation assessed:
 - Quality and relevance of interventions related to stated objectives                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       - Progress of implementation with reference to time-frame and project objectives
- Whether the project is reaching the target group and attaining its objectives- participation of children and parents in various activities and the level of satisfaction with respect to the activities organized
-Whether the personnel is fit to carry out the requested tasks
- Monitoring tools and documentation of impact/project files
- Which are the most useful and the least useful aspects of the project
Beyond reports, project’s files and other written documentation (such as legislation documents, drafts of reforms’ documents, and so on) a questionnaire  (semi-structured one ) for children, parents and other relevant stakeholders was prepared according to KAPB technique (Knowledge, Attitude, Practice and Behavior). The questionnaire included all the questions for all the different groups to be interviewed, so that, obtained data would have been easily comparable. To facilitate the provision of the questionnaire to different groups of stakeholders, it was conceived in a modular way, so that only the parts relevant-to-the-interviewed-ones were submitted to the different groups.

As far as children and parents were concerned, by combining two different sampling techniques (the random technique and the snow-ball technique), a good representation of children and their families was identified. Interviews were performed to secondary stakeholders (not directed involved in the project’s activities), in order to cross-check disseminated information and general knowledge on various aspects related to the project. 
Key findings  
1. On average, the information about the existence of the Centre is quite well spread, thanks also to the good job performed by the outreach activities
2. The main tool for the analysis of quality and especially relevance of objectives in a project is the Logical Framework in the proposal. This project logframe and the EC recommended one are quite different, creating some difficulties when tracking the activities which logically support the single results and consequently, the single results which refer to the specific objectives. Nevertheless, the full proposal shows more clearly how the whole core of actions tends to support the achievement of the objectives.
3. The overall objective is well supported by actions concentrating on direct activities with children and their families, support of those with specific needs through a highly specialized group and larger support in legislation aspects, and above all, in struggling against social stigma (to promote integration)
4. Activities are regularly performed at the centre, in the field through outreach work and regular visits at the community level  
5. Educational aspects are taken care of and a constant communication between the centre staff and the children’s parents and their communities is maintained.
6. According to the existing (though limited) reports on street children in Tirana, it seems that the percentage of female street children is higher than the male one.
7. The coordination with governmental representatives had been difficult due to the different political views in the past (reported in interviews by both representatives of Tirana Municipality and of MOLSA)
8. Advocacy and lobbying in favor of street children had been promoted, with participation of children
9. Some steps had been taken and some good results had been achieved in terms of the children’s acknowledgement and growth of self confidence, through better understanding of their rights and enhance their pride of their cultural values. This findings build on a monitoring system of the individual child performance in which each child has a proper file (adequately kept in order not to violate confidentiality aspects) followed by the Case Management Group (composed by staff of the Centre). In this manner it is possible to measure the improvement of the child in understanding his/her rights, reactions and ability to communicate with others.
10. All the staff and social workers involved in the activities have relevant background to the work they are actually performing.
11. Cultural mediators play a particularly relevant role in the implementation of the whole activities’ process.  The cultural mediators (three), come from Roma and Egyptian communities and are considered very important from the rest of the staff especially in the field work, as they break the ice with families and children and create a sense of strong trust in the community.  The cultural mediators in many cases also help with translation from Roma and Egyptian language into Albanian. Children tend to talk more about their feelings or problems with them, so they become the first step in the referral system. They all like to work with children and see themselves in these roles for the upcoming years.
12. Confidentiality is considered as a very important element, crucial when working with children and respected in every case. Training has been delivered and supported by SCiA in child protection, Code of conduct and SC policies. The staff has strict rules when it comes to confidentiality, and it is strictly applied  in the center.
13. The indicators reflected through the LF are well followed up and according to the evaluators they respond to the measurement needs. On the basis of the performed interviews, the target groups are involved in the monitoring activities in an adequate way. Main stakeholders (partners, institutions and Municipality) are constantly involved and take directly and indirectly part in the monitoring process.
14. The organization of the Centre itself, together with the application of a specific model to support street children constitute a replicable symbol of successful development
15. The far location of the Centre in respect to some of the communities and the lack of means of transportation make sometimes children missing the opportunity to take advantage of the offered services

1. A common complain recorded by children, parents and staff concerning the Centre was the lack of adequate and enough space for activities. It is important to provide the centre with separate toilets for girls and for boys, and for children and adults. 
2. No staff retreat was ever done with the center staff
3. The staff could be supported by an external professional, in order to avoid too much stress and burn out.
4. Among the main challenges the staff finds important to identify a solution for the limited space available in the Centre. The need for space becomes even more important when it comes to confidential documents.
5. It would be very useful to reformulate the structure of the LF in order to obtain a more user friendly tool for monitoring as well, especially at operational level.
6. More involvement of the Municipality, especially in seeking solutions for the future of the centre, is recommended.  The Municipality can play a strong role in motivating and involving other potential local actors to facilitate not only the success of the running project, but to assure the sustainability of it.
7. It would be important to combine the actual initiative with an intervention on income generation for the families.
8. The replication of centers like the running one in other strategic part of the town is highly recommended at community level.

Comments and follow-up from the organisation, if any  
Negotiations will be continuing with Tirana municipality to accomplish their commitment for the expansion of premises and financial commitment (payment of 2 staff salaries as per MoU)