External Evaluation of the NCA WASH Programme in Darfur

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Utført av:Martin van de Rijdt, AWSH Consulant
Bestilt av:Norwegian Church Aid
Tema:Vann og sanitær
Antall sider:0

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NCA has been implementing a comprehensive WASH programme in Darfur since 2004 in response to the humanitarian needs caused by widespread displacement. In 2008, this Programme reached at least 250,000 beneficiaries and in 2009 it reached around 300,000 beneficiaries in Nyala (South Darfur), Zalingei and Wadi Saleh (West Darfur).

Purpose/ Objective:
The evaluation aimed to evaluate the quality of the WASH programme of NCA in Darfur from 2008 until mid 200. Specifically, it aimed to evaluate the impact and the appropriateness of the programme in the IDP camps. Secondly it aimed to provide recommendations for operating an IDP WASH programme in Darfur with a reduced budget in the future, assuming the beneficiary caseload remains fairly stable for the next few years.

Review of documents, observation of interventions, meetings with community representatives, focus group discussions, discussions with community individuals during house visits, discussions with water point caretakers, discussions with UNICEF, discussions with NCA staff and community volunteers, analyzing health statistics, KAP survey design and studying of results.

Key Findings:
The NCA Health Department in Darfur provided data on the amount of cases of diarrhoea reported in the health clinics operated in some of the camps where NCA has implemented WASH projects. Diarrhoea accounts for between 5 to 22% of the medical conditions diagnosed in the clinics. The data shows no major outbreak of diarrhoea review period.

1) Improve impact measurement, diarrhoea morbidity data should continue to be collected (be NCA Health) and with an improved reliability.
2) Focus the water supply component on reducing the monthly costs of water supply by making smart capital investments.
3) Increase the amount of hand pumps
4) Reduce the amount of piped water pumped each day based on future water consumption surveys
5) Standardize motorized pumps in each of 3 geographical areas.
6) At the end of the dry season, conduct pumping tests of the wells that are used as sources for the pipe networks.
7) Consider supporting alternative commercial water supplies with a one-time investment.
8) Evaluate solar-powered systems already planed and constructed by NCA.
9) Durably replace or protect vulnerable parts of the above ground and underground pipelines to reduce the amount of future leaks.
10) Investigate the reasons for low water consumption
11) Use basic though accurate maps of the camps to assess walking distance to  water distribution points
12) Prepare the essential WASH support a future return of IDPs
13) Set up a reporting mechanism and investigate all future collapses
14) Provide a latrine solution with partial or full lining in areas where the soil is unstable
15) Stop providing latrine rehabilitation materials
16) Conduct identical surveys on a yearly basis
17) Use specific and measurable indicators for hygiene improvement
18) Analyze households treatment practices for the different water sources
19) Determine the appropriate ratio of the number hygiene promoters versus the population size in all camps
20) New arrivals should be targeted more intensely for hygiene promotion
21) Adopt hand washing as key hygiene message in all camps
22) Improve the latrine usage in Garsilla
23) When available, study the 2010 KAP Survey report by NCA in particular to improve hygiene promotion
24) Adopt `covering latrine holes`as key hygiene promotion message in subsequent projects
25) Adopt safe household water handling and storage as a key hygiene
 promotion in subsequent projects
26) When available, use the 2010 KAP survey report by NCA for additional findings and recommendations