Final Evaluation of Disaster Risk Reduction with Child and Adolescence Rigths Approach in Siuna and Rosita

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Utført av:National External Consultant
Bestilt av:SC Norway
Tema:Humanitær bistand
Antall sider:0

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The bad and scanty acess roads, dispersion of the population, high indexes of illiteracy, violence in families, inaccessibility to the basic services of health and education, unemployment and intensive deterioration of environment, demonstrate the persistence of severe conditions of risk in these communities. This reality aggravates the situation of extreme poverty in many communities, with natural resources available in its geographical space but, without the sufficient organizational and technical aptitude to take advantage of them rationally, diminishing the capacity to answer the risks that they are exposed to and to the basic needs for their survival. This context damages the rights of the girls and boys, conditions which worsen in situations of disasters. The experience of the emergency provoked by the hurricane Félix, in 2007, exceeded the capacity of rapid response of the National System for the Prevention, Mitigation and Attention to Disasters, reflecting weaknesses in the coordination of the institutions that integrate it. For this reason, this project contemplates the strengthening to the governments, the local structures and the communities to contribute to the effective reduction of the risk.
Evaluate the processes of project implementation through a critical analysis, with the participation of all involved actors: a) Direct beneficiaries; b) Technical staff of the project and the technical Committee with MINED, Civil Defense, URACCAN, SINAPRED; c) Members of COMUPRED and municipal Governments. And to contribute hereby to address  in a systematic way all the actions in favor of the expected results and identify the lessons learned.
1) Visits to 9 communities out of 24
 2) Individual Interviews, 35 men and women who took part of different forms in project and key persons to construct reflections of report and interview to all important institutional actors: Mayoralties, SINAPRED, MINED, URACCAN.
3) Own Methodologies of qualified interview: Brainstorm of Ideas and FODA Analysis (Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses and Threats) and semi-structured  interviews  to value expectations and opinions about Project.

Key findings 
The project has: 
• Initiated a process towards a culture of  risk management.
• Created understating in mayoralties (mainly Rosita) of the need to plan and take risk management into account in all policies and municipal development.
• Set up opportunities to support leadership of COMUPREDs, COLOPREDs and consolidating Municipal and local Brigades, and preserving and capacitating local staff.
 • Planted the idea in communities that vulnerability can be minimized by levels of organization, training and small community mitigation works.
• Consolidated training of 50 % of all teachers of both municipalities in Risk Management, promoting the awareness among those working with the future generation.
•  Established an academic curricula and a methodology to reproduce the Post degree and community Graduate in Risk Management with URACCAN University, as a protagonist for other local actors.
 • Consolidated Save the Children's positioning in the field of Emergencies and Risk Management

Conclusions and Recommendations 
• To analyze project proposed by Rosita's municipality, where 12 mestizo vulnerable communities along Kukalaya River basin would create their COLOPREDs and community Brigades.
• To analyze possibility of establishing a communication system among project communities, as soon as the relay antenna of Civil Defense in Siuna is a reality, promoting use of existing radios and to acquire necessary new equipment.
• Evaluation and monitoring trainings: Continue and develop the training carried out by the Civil Defense at community level, with students and community members, extract lessons learned and use them to improve the training.
• The Civil Defense should continue three fundamental tasks: To update knowledge in preparation for disasters in communities; to continue awareness process on importance of this subject and to establish mechanisms that improve the cooperation and coordination between the departmental, municipal and local level of the Committees (CODEPRED-COMUPRED-COLOPRED)
• As part of an awareness process in Risk Management, to establish in projects a strategy of planned communication that goes beyond the distribution of visibility materials. 

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