Impact Evaluation Report, YWCA of Bangladesh

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Utført av:Muhammad Taher, Laila Arzumand Banu and Mahbubul Islam
Bestilt av:Forum for Women and Development (FOKUS) and FOKUS member organization KFUK Global
Tema:Sivilt samfunn
Antall sider:0

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Through a partnership with KFUK Global, FOKUS has supported YWCA Bangladesh since 2006. For the years 2006-2009, the support was provided by Norad; for the last two years 2010-11, funding was granted by FOKUS TV-campaign funds. YWCA Bangladesh has also other international donors and this evaluation was a joint effort by several stakeholders. FOKUS decided in 2009 to phase out the project support at the end of 2011 since this was the only one in Bangladesh. For or our part this was also a final evaluation. However, with funds of their own KFUK Global will continue the partnership and collaboration with YWCA Bangladesh for another period.

The overall objective of the evaluation was to assess the impacts of the programmes on target people’s lives, relevance, effectiveness, sustainability of the programmes and identify the prospects of YWCA in Bangladesh. Following a review of the detailed objectives and scope of work, the evaluation team proposed a comprehensive assessment of both “Institutional” as well as “Organizational” aspects of development of YWCA Bangladesh.

In the institutional development part, the key impacts of the programme interventions are being considered including their policies, principles and objectives. For the organizational development (OD), assessment of governance, management, finances, administrative structures, procedures policies and staff capacity, received the main focus. Success of work on the ground with the communities is deemed largely dependent on the level of organizational capacity and preparedness. Therefore, this evaluation took up the challenge of producing a comprehensive set of findings that would help the organization reflect on its progress so far, and chart its future course of action with increased effectiveness and efficiency.

An extensive field visit was undertaken over a period of about 2 months to seven of the 13 YWCA branches in Bangladesh spread across the country. The evaluation team visited Chandpur, Pabna, Jessore, Gopalganj, Birishiri, Chittagong and Dhaka YWCAs with a brief stop-over at Comilla branch, during August and September 2011.

For an in-depth assessment of impact, the evaluation team spent time with a range of community groups, their families, their enterprises, and some community leaders to learn how the work has affected their lives. A brief assessment of governance and management structure and capacity of staff of each of the 7 were undertaken.

Assessment of the Head-quarter functions of the National YWCA in Dhaka (NHQ) was also undertaken to assess, among other things, how the management and leadership is structured and prepared to facilitate delivery of the programme assistance to community groups through the branches; and how they are monitored and assessed.

Key findings:
The programme of work has generally been making visible changes in the socio-economic lives of a large number of disadvantaged groups of people. The combination of the programme of economic, with social empowerment, has been appropriate and relevant to the needs, and its interventions are effective. Besides, tangible gains in income, employment and assets, there have also been evidence of changes in attitude and behaviour of community groups that would remain for a long time to come. Given the changing macroeconomic and socio-political context of the country, something over which the programme has very little direct influence, some of the gains may dissipate over time when the programme interventions cease (e.g. income and employment). At one point or other the programmes must end, otherwise there is a risk of developing dependency among the poor on external support. The programme of work appeared to have an open ended timeframe for its interventions, with many households receiving programme benefits for about a decade with no particular phase over or graduation plan. There are many other disadvantaged households in the country, and in the current working areas, who deserve to receive similar support services from YWCA.

YWCA is also recommended to increase the level of “rights” orientation of its work and for playing a more proactive advocacy and leadership role in influencing policy changes. For this purpose, the organisation needs to build alliances with different key networks of civil society, NGOs, media and government organised forums. As a development institution, YWCA is well organized, well-staffed and well-resourced with a group of energetic, bright young women professionals leading different units of the organization. However, given the current pace of growth and its future potential, the organization may need to make some bold management decisions for change and to upgrade some of its systems, policies and personnel, as necessary.

Comments from the organisation, if any: