Programme Evaluation Report, Somalia Programme Activities in Gedo, Puntland and Mogadishu

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Utført av:Acacia Consultations Ltd.
Bestilt av:Norwegian Church Aid
Antall sider:0
Prosjektnummer:Various donors; MFA, NORAD, UN, FCA

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This is an evaluation report for Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) supported Somalia Programme activities in Gedo, Puntland and Mogadishu. The report covers 3-years (2008 through 2010) implementation. The overall objective of the evaluation was to determine whether or not the project achieved its stated objectives and its impact both as a life saving programme as well as a long-term intervention for livelihood security. This evaluation has also come at a time when NCA globally is preparing a new 5-year long term strategy (GLS) which will inform the new strategy process. Acacia Consultants Ltd was contracted to lead the evaluation and the field work was undertaken between September 18th and 26th 2010.

Purpose/ Objective:
The scope of the evaluation was the period from the last programme evaluation in May 2007 to August. 2010. The evaluation overall objective was to determine whether or not the programme achieved its stated objectives and whether or not it made an impact both as a life saving as well as a long-term intervention for livelihood security. While addressing this, the evaluation was to consider: (i) the extent to which the programme has contributed to opening up spaces for women rights and overall rights advocacy for the vulnerable in Somalia; and (ii) the extent to which the programme has made an impact on conflict mitigation and the promotion of peace.

The evaluation applied participatory methods for collecting relevant information which included: literature review, Focused Group Discussions (FGDs), Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) and Community Consultative meetings. In order to include quantitative aspects of the evaluation, semi structured questionnaires were administered to beneficiaries who were doing agriculture and to communities who had benefited from water supply system. Other methods used included field observation/direct observations and validation; and photography. The field information was analyzed and used in the development of this report.

Key Findings:
The programme design envisaged an integrated approach that combines and promotes emergency, development and practical elements of advocacy to deliver a comprehensive communities’ support package. NCA applied both hardware and software intervention approaches to achieve the desired objectives. The hardware interventions which involved development of water supply, education, agriculture and income generating activities are carefully
tied together such that they benefit and draw synergies from the soft-ware components which include hygiene and sanitation education, gender, peace building and HIV/AIDS. NCA’s strategies are grounded on the principles of do-no-harm/Humanitarian Accountability Partnership (HAP) and aspects of rights based approach in the course of the programme implementation.

- Education is the flagship project of the NCA in Somalia. This is an area this review established that many organizations shy away from engaging in mainly because of the high investments associated with it and also since its impacts are usually long-term. In Gedo, NCA has been supporting education activities for the past 17 years. The planned phase out of the education flagship program as guided by the new GLS, might have unfavorable results for the sector. Apart from having put up physical facilities for learning, strengthened the CECs and teachers to ensure effective management of the schools, the situation on the ground that prompted NCA to intervene has not changed much, if anything, it has degenerated as the violence continues to cause havoc day by day. Phasing out requires to be done systematically while ensuring no major interruption to ensure continuity. Phase out should be preceded by a phase down process of carefully scaling down intervention activities. This has not happened in the case of NCA.

- The lawlessness which manifested itself in increased fighting and counter-attacks has taken a new dimension with the emergence and fast flourishing piracy along the coastal region of Bossaso. NCA has decisively and consistently engaged the beneficiary communities in conflict resolution.

- This review has found NCA implementation strategy through the partners to be efficient and effective and it should be scaled up especially now that the security situation on the ground, especially for Gedo and Mogadishu, continues to worsen as conflicts intensify due to instability in political leadership which oscillates around the militia and the TFG. Besides the violent environment, the partner LNGOs capability was found to be satisfactory with good track record with donor community. This review also established that in general the partners have good reputation and are trusted by the community.

- NCA has introduced monitoring guidelines for Somalia programme. The improved reporting in 2010 in terms of targets and indicators will improve monitoring and the implementation appraisal.

- The planned phase-out of the education flagship program as guided by the new GLS seem untimely and will meet resistance in the local education sector and hopes of the community and in particular the youth. NCA should do all that it can to ensure that what it has struggled to build for the past 17 years will not be wasted. NCA should consider not abandon education support unless and until such a time when there will be a strong institution ready to take up the responsibility. Even when such an institution is eventually identified, a consistent and systematic handing over is recommended. A phase down process is proposed. Phase down refers to the process of scaling down of intervention activities in an area of intervention. This should be done systematically where technical and organizational backstopping is envisaged until such a time when the systems are self sustaining.

- Alternative livelihood targeting piracy is embryonic and an innovative idea that NCA should seriously and consistently promote. The world all over is concerned and is in dilemma on how to combat the problem. NCA has come up with the none-violent strategy anchored on the religion which hitherto, although gradually, has proved its efficacy. More gains are expected as the stakeholders expand their coverage.

- NCA should as much as possible continue working through the partners in order to enhance efficiency in realizing results. In addition, working through the partners minimizes the danger to their staff. In any case, the staffs were found to be doing an excellent job of preparing the logistics, like consulting with the local leadership and the beneficiaries on how the intervention should be carried. These logistics are prerequisite to intervention implementation.

- NCA should strongly support and encourage adoption of the newly introduced monitoring guidelines in order to improve implementation performance through efficient, effective and measurable tracking tools.

Comments from Norwegian Church Aid (if any):
The evaluation contains a lot of important feedback to NCA and the elaborated findings and recommendations will be informing the programme for the planning period 2011 to 2015.