Project evaluation report of the Khaidi Development project in Timure, Rasuwa

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Utført av:Purushottam Nepal
Bestilt av:Adopsjonsforum
Antall sider:0
Prosjektnummer:GLO-3837 NPL-11/008

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Khaidi Development Board (KDB) has in partnership with local a NGO, Bhumitkshyokpa (BT), been working in Timure, Rasuwa- a remote district for several years in creating rural community focused infrastructures to reduce poverty.

Timure, a remote village in the  Rasuwa district stands very low on the Human Development Index. The project area of Timure has been very recently connected by a rural road connecting Tibet-China border 30 km from the district headquarter. It takes 8 hours for the community to reach to the nearest service centre – the district headquarter.

KDB and BT, with support from the Norwegian institution NORAD and the NGO Adopsjonsforum, has since 2008 been working on improving the quality of life of the rural people in the area through the Khaidi Development Project (KDP).

The KDP consists of three major components:

1. The Community Empowerment component focused mainly on non-formal education with learning lessons on water, land, forest, sanitation, primary education, health care and nutrition. Similarly orientation programmes on human rights, domestic violence, conflict resolution and citizens’ participation were designed and delivered to empower local residents.

2. Small Infrastructures component consisting of community health and sanitation drinking water schemes, micro irrigation schemes, water mills, school / community buildings rehabilitation, High land trek route construction and NTFP (Non Timber Forest Products) nursery establishment.

3. The Institutional Development component focused on capacity building of BT, Timure Village Development Committee (VDC) personnel, Senior Citizen, Youth and community level workers.

Project duration was initially planned for three years. The purpose of the evaluation was the following:

• has the local community gained self confidence while implementing the activities through their self help capacity?
• has the project brought desired change in the socio-economic condition of the deprived women of the project area through the intervention?

The major objectives of the present evaluation were the following:

• to evaluate the achievements of the project in relation to its objectives,
• to assess the impact of the project on improving the living conditions and reducing vulnerability of target groups, and
• to draw lessons for future community development programs.

The evaluation was carried out largely on the basis of primary data and information supplemented by relevant secondary source data. The primary data and information were collected by carrying out field survey and the secondary source data and information gathered from project documents, baseline reports and other documents.

Key findings:
• Better access to higher quality drinking water. Local health data reveals a decrease in water borne diseases.
• More families have their own permanent hygiene facilities (toilet/pit latrines).
• Availability of fuel has been significantly improved for the community.
• Construction of highland trail has eased local transportation of food grains, reduced time spent on fetching water and attracts tourists.
• Higher awareness on the issues of women’s rights, education and equality.
• Empowerment of women through microbusinesses has been successfully established in the project area. This ensures financial independence and strengthens the role of the women in the family dominated by traditional values.
• There are a high percentage of women participating in the project activities. In the literacy groups women constitute 93% of the participants, and in self-help groups they make up 80%.

The project should be continued to ensure the sustainability of the community empowerment and institutional development activities. Especially empowerment through microfinance should be expanded.

Comments from the organisation, if any:
The report shows that the project performance in this particular project is very good. We have now a solid base for continuing the work in this area. We aim to focus our efforts on reaching out to a larger percentage of the population in the area. At the same time we will develop a strategy for ensuring the continuation of the activities and impact after we pull out.