Om publikasjonen

Utført av:Jennifer Hays
Bestilt av:Namibian Association of Norway
Tema:Utdanning og forskning, Urbefolkning
Antall sider:0

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To get an evaluation of the San Education Project over the past eight years,
as the project started as a request from MOE in 2003 to assist them on running the Village Schools and to develop teachers centres in Tsumkwe district based on a pre-study done by Bernt Lund, in 2002.  

To determine how the project has in its eight years of operation influenced the educational situation in Tsumkwe, and whether it has been able to increase the focus on education in Tsumkwe constituency; in particular for the San communities

Based on both desk study of relevant material and field research

Key findings:
The problems of the Tsumkwe district, as with San education throughout the region and indigenous education globally, are complex and not easily addressed through mainstream approaches.  This is well illustrated by the education figures for San in the region, nation, and district.  While solutions are not obvious, it is possible to identify characteristics of an approach that will create an environment more conducive to positive change. NAMAS has good reputation in the area, and can be a key player among other stakeholders in improving the educational system for the San people, but it need a more holistic way of approach in dealing with education for San.   


• a long-range view and willingness to commit to support the process rather than setting strict time limits for transitions
• a willingness to support alternatives to current approaches to teacher training
• a commitment to facilitate the development of culturally appropriate education practices, support structures and materials
• a commitment to support alternative community-based training projects that build upon the skills that the community already possesses and that correspond with economic opportunities in the region
• a commitment to community involvement in decision-making processes involving traditional authorities, conservancy, school and other community stakeholders
• an emphasis on sustainability
• an emphasis on capacity-building.

Comments from the organisation, if any:

The evaluation is raising many questions and NAMAS role in the area is indirectly criticized because of some unclear goals. On the other hand NAMAS has established a good image among locals and other stakeholders as they view our intentions and activities to benefit the local community.

NAMAS need however to enter into serious discussions with MOE and get their view on how education in the area should be developed for the benefit of the local community. The report have many good smaller recommendations, which can be addressed quickly and if agreed upon be followed up. But in order to find the key for how to improve access to education for the SAN in the area, we need to enter into dialogue with all stakeholders working in the area, not only with the local population and government. Only then can NAMAS establish their role and level of contribution in Tsumkwe District for the future