Mid-Term Evaluation of Hintalo Wajirat Livelihood Development Project

Om publikasjonen

Utført av:Concerned Government Bureaus, NCA and REST
Bestilt av:Norwegian Church Aid
Tema:Handel og transport
Antall sider:0

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The three years Livelihood Development Project is being implemented by Relief Society of Tigray (REST) since 2011 to support poor and vulnerable people of two watersheds in Hintalo Wajerat Woreda found in South East Administrative zone of Tigray Region. The watersheds are Gereb –hinche and Belesat watersheds. The project Woreda is one of the 31 chronically food insecure and vulnerable Woredas of the Region. The Woreda has a total population of 163,923 out of which 50.5% are females. More than 92% of the project Woreda reside in Rural Tabias while the remaining in urban and semi-urban areas. The total population of the two Tabias is 16,234 out of which 8037 are females.
Purpose/ Objective: To assess the project progress status whether it is on the right track or not and ii) to make adjustment/alignment for better progress and achievement of the intended outcome within the remaining project period.
Participatory involving the concerned stakeholders (NCA, REST, Government and rights holders' representatives).

Key Findings:
(i) There is a need to coordinate the Reclamation/Rehabilitation of the big gully in Gereb Hinche watershed that is being undertaken by the project, with the Productive safety Net Program that is being implemented by the local government. (ii) There is delay in construction of a water harvesting check dam at Belesat watershed and REST should find way to expedite how to speed up the implementation of the construction of the check dam and then start using the water for irrigation. (iii) Watershed development committees need more capacity building to strengthen resource management. (iv)The self-help groups need to be strengthened and upgraded to cooperatives to have a legal status and become stronger to generate the maximum benefit to its members. (v) There is limitation in terms of documentation of success stories/case stories and photos to be documented as knowledge and learning process for sharing.

Reclamation/Rehabilitation of the big gully in Gereb Hinche watershed that is being undertaken by the project should be coordinated with the Productive safety Net Program (that is being implemented by the local government). (ii) Construction of water harvesting check dam at Belesat watershed has been delayed and REST should discuss with relevant sector offices and the Woreda administration in the way to expedite how to speed up the implementation of the construction of the check dam and then start using the water for irrigation. (iii) To make more effective in their work, REST should capacitate the watershed development committees through trainings and exposure visits and support with different materials necessary for their work. (iv)The self-help groups need to be strengthened and upgraded to cooperatives to have a legal status and be stronger and generate the maximum benefit to their members. REST should continue to work closely with the Woreda cooperative office to fulfil the groups' requirements (the gaps seen in the groups, such as; individual saving and number of members) to be quickly transformed or upgraded to cooperatives. (v) The success stories of all IGAs in terms of documents, case stories and photos need to be documented as knowledge and learning process for sharing.

Comments from Norwegian Church Aid (if any):