Midterm evaluation Report 2012; Wabe Batu Synod - Community Based Health Service Project (WBS-CBHSP)

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Utført av:Zonal Office of Finance & Economic Development (BoFEd), Water Desk, Health Department, Women & Children’s Affairs Office and Wabe Batu Synod DASSC
Bestilt av:Norwegian Lutheran Mission (NLM)
Antall sider:0
Prosjektnummer:GLO-07/107-348, 372-374

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The Wabe Batu Synod – Community Based Health Service Project (SWS-CBHSP) started its operation as a first phase project in 2010 with the over goal of contributing towards improving the livelihood of the target community. The main components of the project are: Water, Hiv/AIDS, Family Planning and Environmental Sanitation. The project had an agreement to work with the district level water desk, health office and women and children’s affairs office. The project established a very good working relationship with the district offices and been implementing the work in 4 PAs of Dodola District in Bale Zone.

The Mid-term Evaluation mainly intended to review the progress of the project and its achievement in the past two and half years and to provide recommendation on how to accomplish the remaining part of the project in the remaining duration of the project. And also to assess the level of collaboration of the project with concerned government Offices and communities

• Review of project documents.
• Discussion with project management team.
• Discussion with district concerned government offices.
• Interviews and discussions were made with the randomly selected beneficiary’s communities.

Key findings:
Regarding the project implementation the team observed that the project planned activities were implemented as per the project agreement nearly in all the components mentioned in the project document. Distribution of water treatment chemicals, awareness trainings on HIV7AIDS, WASH committee training were completed according to plan. It was noted that the project utilized about 40% of the budget during the last two and half years.

The evaluation team would like to forward the following recommendations:
• The project should improve the collaboration with District Finance and Economics Development office by submitting progress report on timely bases in the remaining project period.
• The project should create market access to IGA group for effective selling their product.
• The project should also build staff capacity by providing relatively training to success full project implementation in the remaining of project period.
• Water points of Danaba and kachama kebels need close follow up to keep water sanitation.
• The project should actively participated people living with HIV/ADIS (PLWH) in training on HIV/ADIS for community to successfully create awareness. 
• Regular visit to project site and activities is an integral aspect of project implementation and these activities should be strengthened to ensure positive outcomes by the end of project life.
• The total Budget of the project which has been planned earlier and the total budget which has listed with activities is not equal. So the project should assure the total project cost for the project life with total budget listed with activities.
• The project should strengthen assisting anti HIV/ADIS clubs which established in the school technically and providing necessary support for the successful achievement beyond awareness creation.

Comments from the organisation, if any:
The WBS-CBHSP has been in operation since the beginning of 2010. One of the main challenges which NLM has been giving feedback was: to sustain the supply of the water treatment chemicals. The project has been supplying and the chemical was well received by the community; and the plan was to encourage local people to continue to supply as a form of income generating business to ensure continuous supply. The project will be challenged to focus on sustaining this matter in the remaining years until the end of 2014.