Southern Church Unit -Capacity Building Project (SCU-CBP) – Terminal Evaluation Report 2012

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Utført av:Mr. Taye Yadeta: Development Consultant
Bestilt av:Norwegian Lutheran Mission (NLM)
Tema:Sivilt samfunn
Antall sider:0
Prosjektnummer:GLO - 07/107- 251

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Per the original plan, the final evaluation of SCU-CBP is initiated by the implementing partner EECMY-DASSC. The terms of reference has been designed in cooperation with NLM office in Ethiopia. The evaluation is carried out by Mr. Taye Yadeta, who is a private hired Development Consultant based in Ethiopia. The Capacity Building Project has been in operation since 2005, and currently in its bridging period after the 2nd phase. The partner has applied for extension of the bridging period into 2014 in order to be able to complete the 3rd phase PD to good standard.

This terminal evaluation was conducted as a response to an agreement entered between the partners (EECMY-DASSC and NLM). It is aimed at evaluating key results produced by competence building interventions from the analysis of six target southern church units DASSC. Specifically, the purposes of these evaluation is to:
• Find out the extent to which the set objectives, outputs, activities indicated in the document have been achieved,
• Identify impacts, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability and relevance of the project and
• Identify key lessons obtained from the implementation of the projects

The Study Sites: It has been learnt that the project target areas were six namely: South Ethiopia synod (SES), Amaro Synod (AS), South Synod (SS), South Center Ethiopia Synod (SCES), Wabe Batu Synod (WBS) and South West Synod (SWS). Based on cost effectiveness and time factors three church units were selected for field visits. These are SCES, AS and SWS. Although for physical observations of the targets areas these three church units were selected, all representatives of the six church units were participated in the terminal evaluation.

Desk Review:
The consultant has reviewed project documents such as project proposal, progress reports, project field visit report, and other relevant documents.

Secondary data gathering:
Appropriate formats were designed and information pertaining to current status of the project with respect to physical and financial performances was gathered.

Group discussions and key informant Interviews:
The in-depth interviews were held with resource persons/ key informants who have the best, closest and most direct knowledge about the project design, implementation and management. Moreover, group discussions were also made with direct beneficiaries who were participated in the capacity building project drawn from each church unit

Key findings:
This capacity building project has been implemented centrally organized by ACBO Central DASSC and NLM, all six church units are happy the way it has been arranged. All church units have explained the trainings have been used as an experience sharing forum through which significant knowledge and skill were shared among staffs. This could be taken as a good lesson that collective approach is vital in creating experience sharing forum for the members and economically viable by benefiting from economies of scale.

Assessment conducted has shown that the project is generally achieved good performance in terms of most of assessment indicators: relevance, efficiency effectiveness, and trends of sustainability. Relatively the project has showed weak performances in terms of its trends of impact and sustainability. As it is illustrated in Figure 11, trends of impact and sustainability of the project has been relatively given lower ratings as compared to the rest of assessment indicators which is indeed indicated the need of further capacity building efforts to ensure long run benefits of the target groups.

Despite these draw backs, however, the project found to be appropriate and relevant to address the priority need and problems of its target beneficiaries and groups. It was also ascertained that the project found to be in line with government's and NLM development policy and strategy of CUs-DASSC.

Based on results of the assessment the following recommendations are provided to improve sustainability of the project outputs and to improve performance of the project holder in its future similar interventions.
i. The current financial expenditure records of the project in terms of its component are weak. Thus, in its future similar interventions ,the project holder should give emphasis to keep data of  its financial expenditures as per detail activities stipulated in the project implementation document,
ii. Some computers and office furniture were distributed to some church units to enhance their capacity for smooth discharging of their duties and responsibility in efficient and effective manner. During the field visit it was hard to trace these materials as there are no records and specific tags related to them at church units. Thus, the project holder should keep proper records and attach identification tags to each computer and office furniture so as to be easily traced and identified as the property of the project.
iii. The relevance and necessities of having Area Capacity Building Office has been found unquestionable. However, it was noted that the office is weak in terms of competent human power and logistics. Due attention and priorities must be given to strengthen the capacity of the office so as to in turn strengthen all southern church units.
iv. The project implementation processes lacked transparency among church units. Hence, in its future similar interventions, the project holder should follow a participatory approach and involve all church units in need assessment, project design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
v. For institutional memory and future references, training manuals, and proceedings are important to be documented and properly kept at each church unit.
vi. There is a need to continue the capacity building project at all church units. Thus, detail need assessment and priority setting should be made by involving all church units’ representatives. The consultant strongly recommend that special attention must be given to weaker church units such as Amaro and South synods  during setting the capacity building activities. For these weak synods more focus need to be given in equipping them with competent human power who are capable to innovate new ideas and prepare project proposals to secure adequate funds.
vii. The EECMY-DASSC should devise appropriate mechanisms on how to retain its qualified personnel through improving salary scale and other benefits packages so as to see  meaningful impact of the capacity building project in the future,
viii. In future similar intervention, the project holder and its back donor have to devise a mechanism for transferring knowledge and skill gained to other fellow staffs among CUs-DASSC. 

Comments from the organisation:
The Capacity Building Project CBP had its pilot phase from 2005 -2007. The terminal evaluation was conducted in 2012. The CBP will have is in its bridging period now until the end of 2013. The project applied for an extension of bridging period into 2014 in order to be able to complete the next phase PD to good standard. Both NLM and the partner sees that there is still a continuous need to continue to do capacity building especially around result based planning/reporting, full project cycle management etc. However, there is a big challenge with sustaining the CB work which is highly depending on external fund sources at the moment; so NLM is challenging the partner to produce concrete phasing-out plan and possibility of making CB work as an integral part of each and every single project they are implementing.