End of Term Evaluation for Zimbabwe OD/DM Programme 2009/2012

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Utført av:Martin Fisher, External Consultant
Bestilt av:Norwegian Red Cross (Norcross)
Tema:Humanitær bistand, Sivilt samfunn
Antall sider:0
Prosjektnummer:GLO-08/418-53 and GLO-08/418-54

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This end-of-term evaluation assessed the inter-related Organizational Development and Disaster Management (OD/DM) programme run by the ZRCS, covering the three and half year period from mid-2009 to 2012. The program was initiated after Norcross’ initial response to the 2008 cholera outbreak in Zimbabwe, when a Norcross’ Emergency Response Unit (ERU) was deployed, which led to a closer cooperation between Norcross and ZRCS. The evaluation was undertaken during the first half of November 2013, including ten days in the three targeted districts.

This report is intended to serve the dual objectives of accountability – to the principal donor, the beneficiaries and the partners – as well as offer some learning insights to inform a future phase of the programme. The evaluation aimed to analyze to which degree the initial objectives of the programme had been reached, as well as a consideration of the relationships between the principal partners.

1) Initial desk review of the relevant project documentation (project design, annual project reports, logframe and other monitoring and evaluation data) was undertaken, and an inception report, matrix and proposed schedule was provided ahead of the evaluation; 2) Interviews and briefings were held with key ZRCS staff at HQ and ZRCS provincial staff and volunteers, with community groups and with local administrative and health authorities. Due to the nature of the programme, much of the data collected has been qualitative, gathered through face-to-face meetings with key stakeholders and through Focus Group Discussions with volunteer groups and with beneficiaries at community level. Very limited quantitative data was available.

Key findings:
The evaluation found that a number of the original programme objectives, specifically those at the provincial and district levels had been achieved during the programme period. Some significant health improvements can be directly attributed to the work of the ZRCS volunteers. The volunteers’ acceptance by the communities, and their close working relationship with the district health authorities, are also notable successes. The recruitment and training of the volunteers was done in early 2010, and almost all of these volunteers are still present and actively doing their Community Based Health and First Aid (CBHFA) work, displaying enthusiasm and motivation. While this indicates very good sustainability to date (already one year after the programme ‘finished’), the ZRCS needs to capitalise on the enthusiasm by ensuring more regular interaction with the volunteer groups, as well as inputs like upgrading the volunteers’ expired first aid certificates and the provision of some basic supplies.

Availability and quantity of water remains the most common concern for the people in the programme areas. Sixteen water boreholes and pumps were also rehabilitated, in collaboration with the relevant government authorities. Focus group discussions revealed that these working pumps have made a considerable positive difference to the targeted communities.

During 2011 and 2012, the ZRCS experienced significant internal upheavals, which inevitably impacted on programme objectives and outputs, mostly at national headquarters level. Some objectives (improvements to the financial system and the radio network) were achieved as set out in the project documents, but others (the updating of the DM policies, strategies and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), establishment of the volunteer database) were delayed, although are still planned for completion during 2014. Advice and support to several levels of the ZRCS structure was also provided, which has been particularly relevant because of the changes in personnel at board and management levels.

The largest capital input of the programme, a strategic warehouse/office building in Gweru, the capital of Midlands Province, is a long-term investment for ZRCS, especially the Midlands Province. This serves as one of the two main warehouses for the ZRCS, allowing for better emergency preparedness. Some repairs and maintenance to the facility are required.

The evaluation finds that the programme delivered on a number of its key objectives in full, and the ZRCS has gained a very positive profile from its interventions. The Society should follow up on these successes with some key steps of support and engagement with the volunteers. Other programme objectives have been either completed or are in the process of completion – the ZRCS is fully aware of these, still notes their relevance and intends to complete them during 2014. The working partnership between the ZRCS and Norcross remains strong and positive, and in many ways is a model for other national societies to follow.

1. The provincial branches should improve their engagement and communication with the newly established ‘sub-branches’ and the groups of volunteers. ZRCS should consider upgrading existing skills and renewing the volunteers’ first aid certificates through some formal refresher training sessions at district level, supplemented by the placement of some basic first aid kits and an agreement on their use and management.
2. For any future programme phase, serious consideration needs to be given to the size of the geographical area of focus, and the distances involved. It would be better to focus on fewer districts/wards and provide more comprehensive inputs than to be spread too thinly.
3. Work on updating DM policies, strategies and other plans should be followed through during 2014 to ensure the original aims of the programme are met, but also to ensure that the national society is working with the best possible tools.
4. The Navision software tool should be rolled out across the national society, to provide improved oversight and management capacity not just of the finances, but also the emergency stocks and the volunteers.
5. Some urgent repairs and maintenance on the Gweru warehouse should be undertaken.
6. Improved stock management procedures should be developed and used, and the ZRCS should also take up the ICRC’s offer of warehouse management training.
7. The ZRCS should work on developing a more systematic approach and framework of programme monitoring, which will greatly assist in its reporting and programme management capacities.
8. Achievements reached in improved financial oversight, control and management need to be institutionalised and maintained.

Comments from the organisation, if any: Recommendations and lessons learned from the evaluation will be factored into the 2014 program planning and will also feed in to the turn-around strategy of ZRCS.