Evaluación Intermedia: Proyecto “Fortalecimiento Institucional FECODESA”

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Utgitt:November 2013
Utført av:Herminio Castillo Blanco
Bestilt av:The Development Fund
Antall sider:0
Prosjektnummer:GLO-0642 QZA-11/0895-28

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The report presents findings and recommendations for the in-phase evaluation of the project “Institutional Strengthening of FECODESA” implemented by FECODESA. The project runs from 2011 to 2014, and the evaluation was carried out in the third year of the implementation period. The project’s development goal is to contribute to the strengthening of the agricultural and agro-industrial cooperative movement, comprised by small and medium scale producers in Nicaragua. The expected outcome of the project is increased organizational and management capacity of FECODESA.

The purpose of the in-phase evaluation was to analyse the project implementation and progress in the achievement of results, as well as identifying lessons learned and recommendation for the last phase of the project and FECODESA’s strategic development in the future.

The consultant applied a methodology that combined in-depth interviews of representatives from the management and board of FECODESA and CIPRES, field work with interviews and focal groups with board members and cooperative members from 10 of the 16 cooperative unions/centrals that are part of FECODESA, as well as the revision of relevant documents of the project.

Key findings:
The project is being implemented according to the project document and its implementation is qualified as optimal by the consultant. FECODESA is one of the most important references within the cooperative sector in Nicaragua. The project has resulted in a better representation of the 16 unions and centrals that comprise FECODESA, and that represent the base of the cooperative federation.

The project is highly relevant to the local needs and priorities of the beneficiaries. The project has a direct impact on the socio-economic development of the cooperative movement in Nicaragua.

The project has had a positive impact on FECODESA’s organizational structure and capacity. The executive structure of FECODESA is being consolidated. It offers a permanent follow-up and technical and legal assistance to the Centrals and Unions. The management structure has been consolidated. Representatives from the Unions and Centrals feel represented by FECODESA. The project has resulted in stronger structure, and better transparency and accountability.

The project has also strengthened FECODESA’s influence and advocacy work. One example is the federation’s advocacy work through the “bean round table” (mesa de frijol). FECODESA has direct influence in key public institutions such as INFOCOOP and CONACOOP.

FECODESA confronts several challenges in the future. One weakness as identified by the evaluation team is low participation and proactivity in FECODESA daily work from the steering structures of FECODESA (Board, Control Committee and Economic Committee). Although the cooperatives are eligible for obtaining funding, access to funding mechanism and markets that can make their activities sustainable should be the next step. Furthermore, FECODESA’s sustainability has yet to be guaranteed. The Unions and Centrals should also be further strengthened. A final challenge is the current political context in Nicaragua, with reduced space for influence and advocacy outside the official party structure.

- Focus on FECODESA’s economic sustainability through the identification of niche areas for its economic development.
- Increased participation of members and a more proactive role by the board in monitoring the project and the overall strategic work of the organisation.
- When FECODESA’s proper structures are strengthened, it is crucial to focus on the strengthening of the Central and Union’s structures.
- The above mentioned factors should be included into FECODESA’s new strategy.

DF’s comment and use of the evaluation:
DF agrees with the key findings and recommendation of the evaluation. The findings and recommendations were share in a meeting with FECODESA’s management, board and governing structures (control and economic committee). Some of the recommendations were included in the annual plan for 2014. DF will support FECODESA in the adoption of the actions that require long-term perspective in FECODESA’s new strategy