Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:Juli 2013
Utført av:Hilda Rivera
Bestilt av:The Development Fund
Område:Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua
Tema:Klima og miljø
Antall sider:0
Prosjektnummer:GLO-0642 QZA-11/0895-21

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The report presents findings and recommendations for midterm evaluation of the regional project “Regional climate advocacy network in Central America” implemented by FECODESA in Nicaragua, FIPAH in Honduras and ASOCUCH in Guatemala. Implementation period runs from 2012 to 2016; midterm evaluation was carried during second year of its implementation period. The project’s goal is to strengthen DF’s partner organizations, farmers’ (in particular women and indigenous people) capacity to do advocacy and their influence in local, national and regional policy processes on climate change.

to evaluate the achievements, relevance and way forward to strengthen the advocacy impact of Climate Advocacy network in Central America.

participatory methods were used in order to engage partners during thte evaluation. Group’s discussions were organized around SWOT analysis to identify sstrengths, weaknesses, opportunities and treats for Climate Advocacy network. The log-frame was revised in order to assess achievements so far, and to identify any hindering in its accomplishment. In depth interviews with partner in the three countries and with other relevant stakeholders in the countries were also carried out.

Key findings:
- The project is being implemented according to project documents and its log-frame. However, there is a need to involve concrete targeted groups such as: indigenous people’s networks already present in the countries, which can give these network more legitimacy in the national context.

- The work with genetic resources and national commissions on agro-biodiversity issues and climate adaptation is highly relevant and the climate advocacy network has great influence in those commissions. DF’s partners in Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua provide strategic technical feedback in this field. Therefore they have an added value for National genetic commissions, and DF partners are members of official delegations in international meetings on the International Plant Treaty for example.

- There is a limited influence of Climate Advocacy network influence on mitigation issues, specifically in terms of the national strategies for Reduction Emissions for Deforestation and land Degradation (REDD+). Due to the complexity of REDD+, the evaluator recommends that the Climate Advocacy network concentrate on a few prioritized issues within the complexity of REDD+ and on establishing alliances with other organisations to have a stronger voice.

- Strategies for climate advocacy are clear in each country. However, some of them should become simpler. More regional coherence of the strategies is recommended.

- There are good efforts in training local government people on climate change, however, very little have been done to document it. Local leaders, women and indigenous groups have been trained on Climate Change issues, but there is no follow up of the trainings and its implications.

- Strengthen alliances with other organisations working with women and indigenous groups in the countries to advocate together for their rights..
- Revise both national and regional strategies in order to prioritise actions, especially in terms of REDD+ advocacy issue.
- Systematisation and documentation of advocacy that works.
- Trainings should also be documented and followed-up from its way of doing it to the results that are obtained.
- Better communication and coordination regionally.
- Management of the network should be done regionally to create more synergies.

DF’s comment and use of the evaluation:
DF agrees with the key findings and recommendation of the evaluation. The findings and recommendations were shared in a regional meeting with the partners and some recommendations were included in annual plans 2014. DF is working on ways to better document training modules and policy advocacy good cases.