Final Evaluation – ATJK Water, Education, Health and Environmental Awareness (ATJK WEHEA)

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:April 2012
Utført av:Dr. Peter Kiriri
Bestilt av:ADRA Norge
Tema:Helse, Vann og sanitær, HIV/AIDS
Antall sider:0

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ADRA’s Integrated Rural Development Project started 01.01.2009 and was completed 31.12.2011 (3 years). The project goal was to improve the livelihoods of 42,692 ATJK villagers in the Oromiya Region. The project proposal was based on a needs assessment conducted by ADRA Ethiopia in partnership with the local government. Improvements were to be made within health, education, environmental awareness, and problem-solving capacity of local women. The following outcomes were expected:

• 3,414 in ATJK have access to potable water
• 600 students have access to basic education (grades 1-4)
• 26,829 villagers have increased knowledge of health, hygiene and family planning
• 26,829 villagers have increased environmental awareness, and implement this knowledge   
• 17 local women’s groups established, enhancing knowledge and increasing problem-solving capacity

These objectives were to be achieved through a number of activities ranging from well rehabilitation and school building, to training of local health and environment agents.    

The purpose of the final evaluation was to determine the level of achievement of the project objectives, assess project performance, identify unexpected events of significant character, investigate possible unexpected results, and identify lessons learned, in order to inform further programme development.

A mixed evaluation design was adopted, incorporating both qualitative and quantitative techniques in data collection, so as to be comparable with baseline values. Various data collection methodologies were used including review of project documents, focus group discussions, key informant interviews, and observation.

Proportionate to population sampling (PPS) and systematic sampling methods were used to ensure equity in household distribution and representation in the final sample. The sample size identified for the evaluation was 371 households distributed in the Kebeles (smallest administrative unit) proportionately to size. A total of 385 responses were recorded.

Key findings:
The project effectively delivered according to plan on objectives 1 - 4, however, due to government restrictions on group activities, only 5 women’s groups were established instead of the planned 17. A summary of the main objective outcomes follows: 
• Villagers with access to potable water: 3632
• Children with access to basic education: 694
• VIP latrines provided: 100
• Villagers with an increased knowledge of health, hygiene, family planning: 26,8291
• Villagers with increased environmental awareness: 26,829 2
• Enhanced knowledge and problem-solving capacity: 7 groups (having 15 meetings)
In terms of financial management, ADRA Ethiopia had a financial system for accountability, ensuring that budgeted funds were used accordingly.

Desired results were reached by empowering and working through government officers and community leaders to reach different target groups within the Kebeles.
Due to the geographical scope of the project it would have been beneficial to include another project officer.
 In the education sector, through the construction of schools and the establishment of school committees, the project contributed to greater school enrolment and retention, while also improving the quality of education. This is expected to contribute to the empowerment of the households and thus improve their livelihood.

The rehabilitated water wells provided households with clean water and reduced the walking distance to access clean water. Positive indirect effects are expected to be a reduction in water-borne diseases and an increase in school attendance since children spend less time accessing water.
The project had an impact on basic health, hygiene and family planning. Community members displayed an understanding of key hygiene issues as well as their application. The final evaluation showed that 87% of women had an understanding of family planning compared to 92% in the baseline. Despite this marginal negative difference, the use of contraception had increased. Furthermore, knowledge of HIV prevention had increased remarkably compared to baseline figures.

The project resulted in increased levels of awareness and practices in environmental management. The project succeeded in a tree planting program and the provision and usage of energy saving stoves. This meant that less time was used in gathering firewood, and alternative fuel sources became more common i.e. cow manure, farm residue, which will contribute to arresting deforestation in the target area.
The cooperation with community leadership should be continued and strengthened. Strategies should be designed to enable them to commit more to the project objectives.
Working with the government ministries at the local levels should also continue. As ADRA Ethiopia fulfils its deliverables, such as school construction, the government and community should be encouraged to continue building on the contributions by ADRA, such as extending the schools beyond primary education.
Since some school-aged children still remained at home, lobby mechanism to sensitize parents to the importance of education should be devised, and child livestock tending discouraged.

 Despite efforts to educate villagers regarding water treatment most households refrained from treating their water. Since chemically treating water is costly a local solution to this problem should be sought out.
While pregnant women sought out antenatal healthcare at the public clinics 90% of deliveries took place at home without any healthcare agent’s assistance. Greater effort must be made to increase understanding about the dangers of home deliveries without professional assistance and the delivery services of the clinics.
Family-planning programs still need to deal with misconceptions regarding the need for more children. Furthermore misconceptions around the transmission and prevention of HIV/AIDS are still present in the project area and should be followed up.

Within program implementation the monitoring and evaluation framework needs to be strengthened at all levels of the project.
 It is also recommended that any other initiatives to address issues of health and hygiene should focus on Behavioural Changes. Despite initiatives regarding hygiene, practices did not increase greatly.

Comments from the organisation, if any:

[1] Estimated number of people of reproductive age who have benefited from ADRAs training of Community Based Rural Health Agents (CBHA), Community Based Rural Environmental Agents (CBREA), and direct training of communities within these themes. An increased understanding of health and environmental issues is reflected in the data from the final evaluation survey.

[2] Refer to footnote 1