Promotion of Awareness and Civil Society Support for Freedom of Expression in Southern Sudan

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Utført av:Lars Oscar
Bestilt av:Norwegian People’s Aid
Tema:Sivilt samfunn
Antall sider:0
Prosjektnummer:GLO 613 SDN-2059 SDN-10/0008

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The evaluation was conducted in August/September 2013, as an end-of-project evaluation.
The project was implemented by a Consortium consisting of the south Sudanese “Association for Media Development in South Sudan” (AMDISS) and the Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) and International Media Support (IMS). AMDISS is also the main beneficiary organisation, and implemented the main activities with support from the other two.  NPA was the lead partner handling the relationship with and reporting to the donor. The main role of IMS was to provide expertise to the project.
The project started December 2010 and ended December 2013. Its goal was an “Improved situation of Freedom of expression and press freedom in Sudan”. Its immediate objectives were
a) “Legal framework to protect freedom of expression; protect press freedom; and a system of self regulation of media is in  place and effectively implemented and utilised in Southern Sudan”,
b) “Sudanese journalists are competent to cover referendum and post –referendum issues”.

To provide the Consortium (NPA, AMDISS and IMS) with an assessment of the results and impacts of the Project (December 2010 – August 2013) and to provide for a better design and implementation of coming initiatives.

A desk study of the documentation that the Consortium partners provided. 33 interviews with individuals (from the donor, consortium partners, the National Legislative Assembly, the Government of South Sudan including the security forces, beneficiaries of the projects such as journalists and representatives of NGOs and experts that have provided services to the project).

Key findings:
The project has effectively implemented a number of activities important for the democratic development of South Sudan, such as 1) the advocacy campaign for the liberalisation and passing of the Media Bills, which will provide the right to access of information and a media sector which is not completely in the hands of Government, 2) the dialogue fora which have managed to bring media and the security forces closer to each other. Statistics of harassment of journalists do not suggest any less harassment despite the fora, but there had not yet been that many held either. The above activities would not have been possible to implement successfully without the strengthened AMDISS, which was the main beneficiary of the project.

The Consortium is made up of an appropriate mix of partners, each with its traits, relevant for the project. Its partners have been equals, allowing for a local ownership of the project and its objectives, which strongly contributed to its success.

The level of success in strengthening the three media organisations is in falling order AMDISS, UJOSS (Union for Journalists of South Sudan) and AMWISS (Association for Media Women in South Sudan), which well reflects the investments made.

- The Consortium of AMDISS, IMS and NPA should remain, while other organisations can be invited for specific tasks and roles.
- The Consortium should improve its internal systems and routines for easier and transparent decision making and project management, as well as systematic baselines for each project.
- The dialogue fora between media and security forces should be continued and institutionalised,
- Implementation of the Media Bills should be supported broadly and long lasting – and advocacy for liberal interpretation and implementation should continue.
- Support the set up and institutionalising of the self-regulating South Sudan Media Council, based on a Code of Conduct and Ethics of Journalism.
- Continue supporting the institutional development of AMDISS, UJOSS and AMWISS – but only if they show a strong ownership of objectives and activities.
- Short term ad hoc trainings of journalists should be avoided, while journalists’ strategic long term development should be invested in, as efforts to set up the Media Development Institute should be continued.

Comments from the organisation:
The recommendations have been taken into account and will be reflected in implementation if NPA succeed in raising funds for the continuation of the project.