Evaluación Final del Proyecto Capacitacion Tecnica Laboral

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:Desember 2015
Utført av:Ing. Martin Morales
Bestilt av:Strømmestiftelsen
Tema:Kvinner og likestilling
Antall sider:64

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Project Description and Background to Evaluation

The project promoted the formation of women's associations in the communities of Tarvita Municipality to enhance their production capacity, marketing and participation in the local market. The project also aimed to strengthen women’s leadership and empowerment.

The methodology took into account the previous knowledge of the participants, the context in which he/she lived, their language (Quechua), their culture, and their level of learning. Teaching modules for technical areas and teaching levels were used in the pedagogic organization. Each participant did four semesters of training over two years.

In this process and within the framework of local education policies, the local government became involved and managed to mobilize funds for project implementation. In fact, Tarvita Municipality has been a very important actor in the project implementation.


The objective was to identify whether the goals set at the beginning of the intervention were achieved, document changes in the lives of the participants, and assess the sustainability of the processes.


The evaluation used the following qualitative and quantitative methods: document review, control groups, focus groups, and structured and semi-structured interviews.

Key findings and recomendations

The evaluation found that the project has contributed to changes in the lives of the rights-holders targeted, in terms of both increased knowledge and increased self-esteem and self-worth. The role of women has also been lifted.

The project was largely implemented according to plan in terms of outreach and outputs.

However, the evaluation finds that the methodology used was too traditional. It also found that not all outcome targets were reached. For example, while 75% of women developed productive technical skills, only 8% are generating an income as a result of this training thus far. Instead, many women primarily use their skills to make garments for their family. The associations are also not fully made use of.

Recommendations include: i) revising the intervention methodology; ii) increasing the frequency of project follow-up; iii) focusing more on measuring how many have reached a certain skill level; iv) undertaking a market analysis to determine the relevance of each topic; and v) using the umbrella association to secure inputs at low costs.