Evaluation of LO-Norway Programme of Co-operation with Zambia Congress of Trade Unions

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:November 2013
Utført av:Dr Mohammed Mwamadzingo
Bestilt av:Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO-Norway)
Antall sider:0
Prosjektnummer:GLO-0610 QZA-10/0960

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The cooperation between the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO-Norway) and the Zambia Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) started in the late 1980s. The latest cooperation agreement covers 2010 to 2014, when LO-Norway provided financial and technical support to ZCTU to help in building a financially viable and influential trade union movement in Zambia. The agreement aims at strengthening ZCTU's struggle for promoting and defending trade union rights.

The basis of the evaluation is to determine the performance and progress of the programme cooperation, and to gauge if results or objectives are being met. The evaluation was also deemed necessary in order to form a basis for LO-Norway decisions regarding possible finalising or continuation of the project. The objectives of the evaluation can be summarized as follows:

i. to assess the progress and results of the support provided to ZCTU by LO-Norway in
strengthening the capacity of the labour movement in Zambia;
ii. to assess the efficiency of the implementation and sustainability issues of the current
iii. to recommend the programme's continued relevance/need going forward, including
assessing the added value of LO-Norway continued support, and
iv. if necessary, to identify and suggest potential new avenues/areas for cooperation.

The evaluation is based on a three-stage process: (i) documentation, (ii) field visits, consultations, questionnaire and draft reporting, (iii) and final report.

Key findings:
Project results: On the whole, the programme implementation has achieved some positive outcomes. There has been noticeable increase in union membership to ZCTU affiliates and commendable number of collective and recognition agreements have been realized. The national centre has also achieved good progress in the collection of subscription dues, especially with the recent campaigns to institute check-off system from the source. However, there are concerns associated with stalled unions’ merger arrangements, lack of progress in achieving union unity at the national level between ZCTU and Federation of Free Trade Unions of Zambia (FFTUZ), and limited progress in promoting and mainstreaming gender considerations in union activities. At the same time, not much statistical information is available to determine the progress and implementation of the collective agreements.

Sustainability: The determination of sustainability of ZCTU is rather mixed. On one hand, unless the current financial situation is addressed, ZCTU may be headed towards insolvency. This is because the current liabilities are increasing and are not offset by current assets. It is doubtful that the organization will be able to liquidate them in the normal course of business.

On the other hand, there has been good progress in collection of union income, especially from subscription dues. Subscription income has substantially been above the estimated values. Most of the affiliates have continued to meet their obligations to ZCTU.
On the whole, with proper financial management, a comprehensive strategic plan and a programme and budget proposals for the period ahead, ZCTU is indeed sustainable even
after the end of the current cooperation agreement with LONorway. In line with the management reports, it is strongly recommended that ZCTU consider stringent cost cutting measures in routine expenses to manage the deficit as well as releasing resources to meet its statutory obligations.

External impact: ZCTU and its affiliates have made impressive gain in ameliorating the effects of low wages through policy dialogue and collective bargaining. ZCTU has remained influential with a national and international outlook. It is the cornerstone of the
labour and human rights movement in the country. It enjoys strong support from its membership as well as with external partners and has much respect in its interventions on economic, social and political issues in Zambia.

Gender issues: There has been heavy investment in gender issues, but the level of women participation in trade union activities remains very low. ZCTU has not shown any serious intentions to develop the capacity of women into union leadership. At the level of the
Congress, there is only one women elected as a trustee, while there are only 24 women leaders in all the 35 national trade unions in Zambia. This represents only about 10% of all leadership positions. Moreover, it is disappointing that gender disaggregated data remains a challenge. On a positive note, the adoption of a comprehensive gender
policy and its dissemination to some unions is encouraging.

Internal democracy: ZCTU leadership have largely practiced the principles of internal democracy by holding elections every four years. Most of the constitutional meetings by affiliates have also been held regularly.

Risks analysis:The global economic and financial crisis as well as local effects from the social, economic and political spheres, coupled with internal trade union dynamics, has had conflicting effects to the implementation of the programme cooperation during the current phase. This situation is likely to persist in the immediate period ahead.

On the basis of the analysis, the evaluator recommends for a continuation of the co-operation between LO-Norway and ZCTU, but based on different modalities.

Prior to the commencement of the future cooperation, it would be prudent to put in place mechanisms that would enhance programme implementation. These include; formulation of internal financial regulations or union rules; baseline survey and database on union membership; enhanced commitment on the role of gender mainstreaming in trade union work; engage in an early search for a replacement LO-Norway regional consultant that would oversee future programme cooperation; and need for a better profiled external auditor.

Comments from the organisation, if any:
Based on the recommendations provided in the evaluation report, LO-Norway set some conditions for future cooperation. These conditions were not met in time and thus LO-Norway phased out its support to Zambia from 31 Dec 2014.