Evaluation of the NAMAS supported San Education Project in Tsumkwe, Otjozondjupa Region, Namibia

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:November 2015
Utført av:Velina Ninkova
Tema:Utdanning og forskning
Antall sider:96

NB! Publikasjonen er KUN tilgjengelig elektronisk og kan ikke bestilles på papir


The evaluation assesses the activities of the San education project in Tsumkwe for the period 2010 – mid-2015, following a previous consultative report covering the period 2003 – 2010.

The context of the evaluation includes a transition of the project from NAMAS to MoE and the continued involvement of NAMAS as an advisory partner to the Ministry. The project is also assessed in light of its phasing out at the end of 2015. 


The main objective is an assessment of the project’s activities and goals in the context of NAMAS working as a partner of MoE in the provision of education to marginalized San children in Tsumkwe East and West.

More specifically, the evaluation makes an update of the situation of the San in Tsumkwe, Namibia; makes an assessment of the transition of the project from NAMAS to MoE; assesses the achievement of the project’s goals; analyses the effects of the project on San education in the region; makes recommendations for improved participation and increase of the local participation; suggests possible paths for the way forward.


The methodology of the evaluation has two main components: desk study and field study.

The desk study has reviewed NAMAS’ documentation related to the project (agreements between NAMAS and MoE; agreements and correspondence between NAMAS and Norad; annual reports; proceedings from the steering committee meetings; annual plans; budget sheets; annual financial statements; independent auditor reports; previous consultative reports and surveys; government policies; national censuses; previous research).

The fieldwork components consists of one-month fieldwork stay in Tsumkwe, Namibia (10.07.2015-09.08.2015), and a one-day field trip to Elverum, Norway (11.09.2015).

The evaluation has made use of both quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data includes statistics for school attendance, performance and dropping out provided by NAMAS, schools in Tsumkwe, the Regional Education Office in Otjiwarongo, Namibia and national statistics.

The qualitative methods used for the evaluation include open-ended key informant interviews, focus group discussions, questionnaires and observation.

Key findings

Some of the key findings of the evaluation include: 

  • General positive attitude towards NAMAS in Namibia;
  • Positive effects of the transition of the project from NAMAS to MoE;
  • NAMAS’ positive contribution towards increased access and quality of education mostly through training and support of unqualified San teachers;
  • Contribution towards increased food security for the schools in the region;
  • Increased sense of educational rights among local leadership;
  • General lack of parental involvement in the project;
  • Need for increased continued support.


Some of the main recommendations include:

  • Need for new approaches towards inclusion of the wider local community;
  • Need for more San teacher and increased visibility of San culture and languages in the schools in the area;
  • Improved dialogue between MoE, the Village schools, Tsumkwe Primary School (TPS) and the local community in order to prevent some of the negative trends in TPS;
  • More consistent financial support for the improvement of the schools infrastructure and access to safe and reliable transport for students, teachers and parents.

Comments from the organisation, if any

Management Respons available on request.