Filtu Food Security Proejct 2014 -2016 Mid-Term Monitoring and Evaluation Report

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:Juli 2015
Bestilt av:Norwegian Lutheran Mission
Antall sider:26

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Filtu woreda is located in Liben zone, Somali regional state, south East of Ethiopia. NLM and Mekane Yesu church jointly entered in to this woreda in response to the famine in 2000 and are working in the area since then for more than a decade.

So far, the project has completed its three phases of project with main objectives of reducing the risk of future water shortage in Filtu woreda and improving the health condition of the target community.

In addition to this the two bridging period projects in the year 2012 and 2013 was signed with concerned line departments of the regional government with the objectives of creating ample time for the long term food security project and handing over of previously built project outputs.

So far the objectives of the bridging period projects have been successfully implemented and the new fourth phase project was signed afterwards.

The main objective of the new fourth phase “Filtu Food Security Project 2014 – 2016” is to contribute for the government endeavour in ensuring household food security through creating access to improved agricultural inputs, dry land farming techniques and improved knowledge on gender and nutrition for enhanced quality of life.


The purpose of this mid-term evaluation is to evaluate the last one year and half 2014-2015 performances of the project, document the output and outcomes, lesson learnt, challenges encountered during the implementation and generally the contribution of the project to community.

This mid-term evaluation was conducted by a joint technical team from Ethiopian Somali region BoFED, BoLCRD, Liban Zonal DPPB/NGO’S coordinator, Filtu Woreda agriculture office and Filtu water office to monitor or evaluate food security project impact in Filtu woreda of liban zone of Ethiopian Somali Regional state by using document review, focus group discussion (FGD) and key informant interview according to the standard checklists.


While conducting this end term evaluation, the methods pursued were; project document review, bridging period (2012 and 2013) project document evaluation reports reviews, interview with beneficiaries, field visit to see sample project activities, discussion with stake holders.

Key findings

Regarding project intervention area there was positive impact that can be justified as observed by the team. 

  • Demonstration site at Hayadmitu community kebele administration has used to introduce different techniques dry land agriculture to the community and the evaluation team has observed positive feedbacks from the community.
  • Intervention in agricultural activities in Messajid, Bandhire and Hayadimitu peasant associations were successful; establishment of new nursery site at Messajid community and demonstration site at Hayadmitu, the distribution of improved seed to agro-pastoral, water pump, vegetable seeds and adaptability trials of different seeds from research centre were done in good manner. 
  • Nutrition and Health and hygiene training, seed bank cooperatives training, water pump operators and maintenance training has contributed to the community in increasing the basic knowledge. 
  • The project has done good job in mobilizing the community to own the projects output to make the project sustainable.
  • The projects strategy and implemented activities are in accordance to the government Food security policy and strategy.


The weakness of the project

  • The project could not perform some activities as per the plan and this needs to be improved in the future
  • The need in the community versus the project capacity does not match as the project runs by limited funds from the donor;
  • Supervision of distance project sites seems to be challenging from the project sites due to old project vehicles. 
  • The issues of livestock not addressed in the project document. Since more than 80% of incomes for agro-pastorals come from the sector, it needs to be included under food security project.
  • The issue of water development has given very little attention. But water is the top priority in the area.  

Challenges of the project

  • The project is being run by limited fund compared to different activities under implementation.
  • As it is mentioned elsewhere in the document and the previous project evaluation reports the project focuses on dry land agriculture in Ethiopian southern Somali areas the project might face challenges as the area is characterized as water scarcity region.
  • As many of the agro-pastorals have less experience on the techniques of dry and agriculture their working culture on agriculture is still very low


  • Activity should be performed as per the plan
  • The capacity building trainings, the pilot agricultural activity and the involvement of constructing new birkas in remote villages should be strengthened and continue in the coming phases of the project.

Comments from the organisation, if any

The evaluation has contributed to the learning process of the project through the feedback and comments forwarded by the external evaluators which helps the project staffs to re-adjust the approaches and implementation strategies of our activities. It also creates room for the project to prioritise activities and align its implementation with the local government and regional directions.