Karen Christian College-ECDE project end of term evaluation

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:Januar 2014
Utført av:Taabco research and development consultants
Bestilt av:PYM
Tema:Utdanning og forskning, Barn
Antall sider:68

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This report is an outcome of an end of term evaluation exercise conducted for the FPFK Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE) project.


(a) to fulfill the mandatory requirements of the funding cooperation agreement between PYM and the owner of the ECD-project, FPFK, and
(b) To determine the extent to which the project implementation has been effective, efficient and relevant in achieving the project set objectives and to establish the type and extent of impact of the project on the intended beneficiaries and communities


Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected. Field visits, focus groups and interview in addition to desk studies was undertaken. 112 respondents took part in the exercise.

Key findings

The project has helped in establishing a strong educational department at the KCC for training of ECDE teachers both now and in future. The project propelled the registration of the College by MOE. The project also improved infrastructure and fits well with the new arrangement at KCC save for governance mix up as stated. The training program is relevant and fits in the GOK ministry of Education projections (2010-2015) as elaborated in the Report of the Task Force February (2012) MOE Kenya.

ECD project has helped in establishing a strong Educational department in the college for the training of ECDE teachers both now and in future, it has maintained the college as a service provider to the organization and the country at large. It has also helped the college to get ministry of education registration. The project has improved the facility in terms of infrastructure, communication, personnel training and it has made KCC stand out as a modern college.

  • There is a realization that the project implementation is highly participatory as there is frequent feedback to some levels of stakeholders (save for the KCC Board) at times with key involvements by staff and particularly for different developmental challenges that they face as an institutional team. This is evidenced in the regular annual reports filed with the Donor and the National Board of FPFK. There is an effective planning function at the ECD project and the implementation is well monitored. The evaluator believes that the tools of management availed to them during the evaluation are also approved by the Donor. These included the annual report formats, activities reporting formats based on log frames and the audit reports. However, the lack of consultation between the KCC Board and the PSC is a potential inhibitor to real progress that is sustainable.
  • The project has been efficiently implemented with the exception of the pre-school, which is at its initial stages.
  • The students’ population has been going up and down every year due to other factors in the competitive educational arena in Kenya but the project has often met the basic minimum targets every year as evidenced in the enrolment records presented by the HoD office to the evaluators.
  • Generally the resources have been used efficiently. Considering the economic constraints in the country, the resources were used efficiently during the project
  • The institutionalization of governance of the ECD project such that even with the exit of the vision carrier and the donors, the project will remain viable and self-sustaining; this was not evident as the project still relied on the character of the project coordinator.


  • The training is taken closer to the potential students, through opening up of outposts. In Kenya the majority of training institutions are devolving to the counties. The fact that the City accommodation is expensive makes many potential students opt to join colleges that are closer home given that the program at the ECD project is school based.
  • To boost the ECD project competitive edge over others, utilize fully, the FPFK established local Churches Countrywide through encouraging them to refer their Pre-school teachers to the KCC ECD project programs. Also, encourage the Sunday school teachers at local churches to enroll in the KCC ECD programs.
  • Institutionalize and merge the ECD governance structures as a department of the KCC headed by a Head of Department who shall be responsible to the KCC Principal.
  • Develop marketing strategies and engage in serious marketing to increase student / pupil enrolment both in college and in pre-school. The centre to come up with other own income generating activities.