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Utgitt:Mars 2014
Bestilt av:Det Norske Misjonsselskap/Norwegian Mission Society (NMS)
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This is an end term impact evaluation report of Project “All against AIDS” commissioned by Digni in collaboration with the Norwegian Missionary Society (NMS) and Eglise Evangélique Luthérienne au Cameroun (EELC). The project was implemented by EELC, financed by Digni and the project grant managed by NMS.
Phase three of the project purposed to follow-up people living with HIV&AIDS (PLWHA) providing trainings and facilitate establishment of income generating activities, and to build
activities around the “Centre d‟écoute”. At the same time the project should continue with the sensitization of the population through the youth caravan and the supervision teams in the church districts of EELC.
The project impact evaluation was conducted to assess the performance of the third phase of the project implemented during the period 2009 – 2013.

Specifically, the evaluation objectives were to:
- Identify the results of the project and compare them to the indicators set out in the action plan.
- Evaluate the impacts of training programs for the beneficiaries undertaken by the project.
- Analyse the project relevance in terms of psychosocial support to people living with HIV&AIDS (PLWHA).
- Assess the capacity of the leaders of support groups of PLWHA to organize and educate their members in terms of positive behaviours in the context of AIDS
- Evaluate the relevance of the counselling Centre („Centre d‟écoute‟) as means of education, information and communication on health subjects and more specifically on HIV&AIDS.
- Assess the extent to which recommendations from the project evaluation (phase 1 and 2) conducted in March 2010, and Digni review report were utilized during implementation.
- To identify SIK, EELC and NMS‟s impact on the result, successes and limitations of the project.
- Provide the findings, conclusions and recommendations for future interventions

The evaluation employed participatory rural appraisal (PRA) and participatory learning and action (PLA), gender and human rights sensitive approaches. The evaluators developed evaluation tools; a guide to Focus Group Discussion (FGD), In-depth Interviews (IDI) and semi-structured questionnaire.

Key findings:
Findings of the evaluation shows that the project significantly achieved its planned objectives including mobilization of support groups of PLWHA; providing them with psychosocial support and trainings on HIV&AIDS issues; which also reached church leaders, animators group and hospital staff. Most support group members‟ were provided with financial seed capital to initiate income generating activities; and the mainstreaming of HIV&AIDS in the church structures with 52 articles containing HIV&AIDS messages developed to be integrated in the church sermons.
PLS project activities were undertaken according to the developed action plan; finances were well managed. The project had great success in mobilizing, educating and providing correct information on HIV&AIDS to local communities in the project sites including church congregants; and through its established health facilities/hospitals many more community groups of PLWHA and the general public will continue to benefit. The Centre d‟ecoute is a major success, providing meeting and training venue/spaces for PLWHA and others, serve as counselling, testing and treatment centre for PLWHIV. Activities of the Centre d‟ecoute are sustainable and with capacity to continue these services with minimum challenges.
This project has been relevant to the priority needs of the communities. EELC, government and the local communities including direct participants own the project activities.

- This project has been relevant to the priority needs of the communities.
- The EELC has adequately mainstreamed the current HIV&AIDS project within its structures and has capacity to sustainably continue the project; though in a smaller but strategic scale through the church structures and its leadership.
- In view of the findings of this evaluation and in reference to recommendations of the evaluation conducted in 2010; the project has attained its objectives and it is time to refocus on more strategic priorities that affect communities that are linked to vulnerability to HIV&AIDS. This could include poverty reduction strategies; women and girls social, economic and political empowerment; gender based violence; youth economic empowerment programs; support for orphans and vulnerable children and elderly caregivers; environmental conservation and climate change issues.
- This project has had significant impact on the lives of many people directly and indirectly involved in the project; in terms of increased knowledge and information on HIV&AIDS, influenced adoption of positive behaviour; which in turn have contributed to the reduction of new infection and improved living standards of PLWHIV.
- Gender representation in project steering committee and decision making at EELC top leadership is wanting and need to be addressed. EELC also has no HIV&AIDS policy to aid decisions and support provided to human resource, church leaders or congregants infected/affected hence needs a policy direction.
- The project adequately used the recommendations of the evaluation report of 2010.

Comments from the organisation, if any:
- The project All against AIDS in Cameroon started in 2002-2003, with SIK (Senter for interkulturell kommunikasjon) as the Norwegian partner, with support from Norad.
- From 2004 on NMS became the Norwegian partner, and the project got support from Norad in two phases, No GLO-3370 CMR 06/001 (2004-2008).
- From 2009-2013 the project went into its last phase, with support through Digni.
The project All against AIDS was phased out during 2013, but the recommendations from the evaluation is used in the preparation of a new project on Women‟s rights, as well as a project application on environment protection.
Former evaluations and monitoring reports from the project: - SIK report 2003/6, All against AIDS, by Kåre Kristensen, Heidi H. Zachariassen, Fanta Christine, Mai Camilla Munkejord.
- SIK rapport 2004/4, Tous Contre le VIH/SIDA - Information, Sensibilisation et Soutien, by Mai Camilla MUNKEJORD, Christine FANTA
- SIK rapport 2005/2, PROGRAMME DE LUTTE CONTRE LE VIH/SIDA Rapport de l'évaluation à mi-parcours, novembre 2004, by Kåre Kristensen, Mai Camilla Munkejord, Rolf Bergseth, Christine Fanta
- SIK RAPPORT 2006/3 TOUS CONTRE LE VIH/SIDA (2002-2005). Evaluation de la 1ère phase du Programme de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA de l'Eglise Evangélique Luthérienne du Cameroun, by Ellen Vea Rosnes, Kåre Kristensen, Christine Fanta - MARCH 2010: REPORT ON IMPACT EVALUATION OF PROJECT “ALL AGAINST AIDS”, NGAOUNDERE, CAMEROON, IMPLIMENTED BY EELC – 2002 – 2008, BY Mme Everlyne NAIRESIAE and DR. DICKSON SHEY NSAGHA