The End Term Evaluation of the HIV&AIDS Awareness and Preventive Project (2010-2014)

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:Mai 2015
Utført av:Caroline Maneno
Bestilt av:PYM
Antall sider:91

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The initial FPFK intervention on HIV & AIDS was during the period 2000-2004 followed by a second phase from 2005 -2010 consequently leading to the just ended phase from 2010-2014. The just ended phase was a scale up from previous interventions to include the HCD, HRBA and Advocacy approaches.

The approaches aimed at promoting ownership of the interventions by building the capacity of communities to take a lead in responding to emerging concerns therefore contributing to sustainability of community based initiatives. FPFK prides itself as being one of the first ecumenical organizations to openly speak about HIV & AIDS within church circles and designing interventions that enhance discussion of the once forbidden conversations in the community.


At the end of the 2010-2014 Phase an evaluation was conducted looking back to the 15 years of project implementation with more focus on the third Phase. The evaluation sought to assess the impact of the project over the funding cycle with respect to change that has occurred in the lives of the targeted communities and learning drawn from project implementation at organizational level.


The evaluation methodologies included an in depth desk review of documents relevant to the project as well as field visits, and meetings at the national headquarters with Board and PSC, General Secretary as well as key project staff and a validation workshop.

Key findings

  1. SALT teams were key in stimulating behaviour and attitude change
  2. approaches were effective in reducing harmful traditional practices.
  3. the intervention contributed in reduction of stigma
  4. Targeted communities were sufficiently equipped with knowledge and  understanding about HIV and AIDS and also their rights.
  5. that effective advocacy to influence policy at the national level needed a concerted effort with other players among them the network organizations
  6. Policy guidelines were useful in decision making processes
  7. the project significantly contributed to the improvement of the socio-economic and environmental welfare of PLHIV and the community in the target areas
  8. the project promoted gender equality in the target areas
  9. Commitment and ownership to the project approaches and initiatives was evident.
  10. The number of active local facilitators may sufficiently contribute towards sustaining the continuation of the activities. 
  11. Project Steering Committee played a critical role in project oversight 


  • FPFK should fundraise for more resources to expand HCD, HRBA and Advocacy approaches in marginalized communities, specifically replicating activities that have added value in support groups such as SALT team visits, merry go round/table banking, income generating activities and environmental care. 
  • FPFK through existing networks such as the Evangelical Alliance of Kenya and ACT Kenya Forum should enhance efforts in advocating and lobbying the Government to keep on its international obligations on HIV&AIDS and advocate for policy change and implementation on HIV&AIDS at both National and County level.
  • FPFK should review its HIV&AIDS Policy
  • In future projects, strategies should be put in place to ensure more men are encouraged to join and participate in community development initiatives while at the same time ensuring active participation of women.
  • FPFK should consider identifying specific Counties with high prevalence rates for maximum impact in future projects.

Comments from the organisation, if any

The report is useful and many of the recommendations will be followed up. We would have liked more analysis of findings. PYM is very pleased to know that the most of the activities will continue also after the project exit and will check on that in the years to come.