The Good Samaritan Programme Evaluation Report

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:Juli 2015
Utført av:Prof. Elishiba Kimani and Dr. Pauiline Kamau
Bestilt av:The Norwegian Bible Society
Antall sider:24

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The Good Samaritan programme (GSP) was started in Kenya in 2006 as a response to the HIV and AIDS situation at the time. The program is now in its 4th and last period of external support.

In Kenya, more than 82% of the population is Christians, and there are more than 4,000 churches in the country. HIV affects every section of the social fabric, and the church is not left out. The church in Kenya presents a platform for behavioral change since most people believe and turn to the church for matters concerning morals and social well-being.

If the church is well equipped to handle moral issues, it is believed that there will be a huge leap in the response to HIV and positive transformation of the society especially in matters relating to HIV and AIDS.

The programme objectives are to provide knowledge about HIV and avoidance of risky behavior, enhance uptake of VCT and openness on HIV status, eradicate stigma, advocate for the rights of PLWHA to restore their dignity and equality, as well to renew the churches social responsibility with a special focus to promoting unity and love among community and neighbourhood to care and support people infected and affected by HIV and AIDS.

The Good Samaritan Outreach Package offer interactive multimedia materials, people are able to get together and share the issues of HIV and AIDS. BSK implements the programme with support from Norwegian Bible Society (NoBS) and United Bible Societies (UBS). The financial support for the project is channeled through Digni and originates from Norad.


The evaluation process was guided by the following objectives:

  • Assess programme management, coordination and staffing.
  • Establish the efficiency, effectiveness and impact of the programme.
  • Assess the appropriateness of programme design and strategies.
  • Assess the effectiveness of trainings processes and use of materials.
  • Identify the challenges being experienced in programme implementation.
  • Assess the programme sustainability.
  • Identify some lessons learnt and recommendations for future improvement.
  • Identify the recommendations for future implementation and viability of the programme beyond the NoBS support.


The methodology for the evaluation process combined the following approaches:

a) Documentary Review
b) Interviews
c) Focus Group Discussions
d) Observations

Key findings

Efficiency, Effectiveness and Impact of the Programme

On the whole it was noted that various categories of programme beneficiaries have successfully been reached including the affected and infected adults and the elderly.

Both mainstream as well as evangelical churches have successfully been targeted as entry points in community mobilization. Evidently, the project has achieved its objectives. In particular the decentralized workshops and the home visits were effective in in reaching the community with HIV and AIDS messages.

Other effective ways of passing HIV and AIDS messages being adopted by the volunteers were visit to health centres, local hospitals, and chiefs’ meetings (Barazas).

Appropriateness of Programme Design and Strategies

The use of the churches as an entry point to community mobilization has worked very well in the area where the population is predominantly Christian in Evangelical and mainstream churches.

Networking with local leaders and health officers has not only made it easy to win the trust and interest of the local communities, but has also added a lot of value in the programme achievements.

Two levels of training, namely the TOTs for volunteers and DWs have effectively been utilized in the areas visited during evaluation.

Programme Sustainability

The use of the volunteers and church leaders who enjoy trust from the local communities in itself guarantees programme sustainability in the long run.

Equally commendable to this effect is the engagement of the PLHIV, existence of support groups, involvement of the affected and infected male and female and the introduction of income generating activities. Additionally the use of the churches as training venues is an added advantage.

Best Practices and Lessons learnt

  • The inclusion of women and men in support groups and in DWs.
  • Inclusion for the elderly people as both infected and affected.
  • Inclusion of both HIV positive and negative male and female in support groups.


a) There is need to strengthen the capacity and engagement of the volunteers to take full charge of local programme coordination at the regional level, while the follow-up from BSK office in Nairobi should be intensified.
b) The duration of the TOTs training should be lengthen to 4 or 5 days, while the DWs should cover several sessions, spread over three or four days so as to provide the adequate knowledge and skills for effective passing of HIV and AIDS messages.
c) The training should include a session on gender and human rights.
d) BSK country office should ensure volunteers have enough materials to supply to the trainees during home visits.
e) BSK country office should ensure that materials translated into the local language are adequate for use by the trainers.
f) Small sized and simplified leaflets replicated from the flip charts should be developed to be distributed during the home visits as well as other such as the meeting by local leaders and Chiefs’ Baraza)
g) The resource manual and booklet should be revised and simplified for use in training.

Comments from the organisation, if any

The Norwegian Bible society acknowledge the evaluation, and is glad to see that it shows the impact of the work done by the Bible Society of Kenya through many years.

The work has proven effective in improving the lives of thousands of people all over Kenya, reducing stigma and preventing the spread of HIV and Aids.

Regarding the findings and conclusions, we agree that there is room for improvement within the program, especially concerning the internal structures and procedures of the Bible Society of Kenya. The management response of the Bible Society of Kenya shows an awareness and a willingness to change, we appreciate this, and will follow up this response.