External Evaluation of FOKUS Programme 1325: Colombia and Sri Lanka “Get women to the table” (2011-2016)

Om publikasjonen

Tittel:GLO-3727 QZA-13/0649
Utgitt:September 2016
Utført av:Scanteam
Bestilt av:FOKUS
Område:Colombia, Sri Lanka
Tema:Kvinner og likestilling
Antall sider:148
Prosjektnummer:GLO-3727 QZA-13/0649

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Forum for Women and Development (FOKUS) has been implementing a programme on Women, Peace and Security in Colombia and Sri Lanka since 2011. Within the framework of UNSCR 1325 and subsequent resolutions, the programme aims to increase women’s political participation in peace building, and to ensure that women’s peace and security issues are addressed within a broad transitional justice framework. The programme is funded by Norad/ Ministry of Foreign affairs, and implemented by FOKUS in Norway and the two FOKUS country offices in cooperation with local partners. 


The evaluation covers the period from January 2011 to July 2016.  The objectives of the evaluation was to:

  1. Identify and assess the Programme’ s progress in achieving specific results and outcomes and in contributing to the ultimate goal of the Programme.
  2. Analyze and evaluate strategies, methods and management model
  3. Identify lessons learned
  4. Analyse and evaluate the added value of FOKUS
  5. Develop conclusions and recommendations for future interventions


The evaluation was undertaken by independent evaluators, who used seven different methodologies to gather enough relevant data to answer all the evaluation questions; 1) Literature Review 2) Theory of Change 3) Stakeholder interviews 4) Survey 5) Value Added diagnosis 6) Most Significant Change Technique 7) Cost-efficiency analysis

Key findings

The evaluation concludes that the FOKUS 1325 Programme has contributed to an increased participation of women working for peace in both countries, as well as an increased focus on sexual violence and the need for protection and measures for non-repetition. The Programme was found to have impacts on a personal level, as well as on a relational level where there have been strengthening of networks and federations of different war-affected community women´s groups. On the cultural level, the Programme is found to challenge the patriarchal culture both with regards to consider women as equal rights holders and peacebuilding protagonists. The Programme is found to have had important impacts on the structural level.

In both countries, the Programme was found to have contributed to the strengthening of the women´s movement and have been highly relevant. In both countries, the relevance of the Programme has increased due to positive shifts in the political context. These shifts open up for new arenas for women’s influence, and are likely to increase the relevance of the Programme in the future. One of the strengths of the Programme in both countries is found to be its ability to grasp window opportunities. This is a result of a high degree of built-in flexibility, linked with an ability to interpret the changing political mood.

In both countries, FOKUS was found to have solid Programme monitoring, accompaniment and follow-up systems.  FOKUS Norway was found to have had important value added by initiating and designing the Programme, and both country offices are found to have high, and important, values added.

In Colombia:  The programme has to a considerable extent contributed to women´s specific demands being included in the peace accords between the government and FARC-EP. Partner organizations efforts have also led to the clear recognition of sexual violence as one of the crimes of the armed conflict, including the principle of no amnesty for these crimes in the peace accords. The programme has contributed to increased awareness of women´s needs and challenges in regions where the programme is present. Partners have been strengthened to articulate proposals and become invited to present them in Havana.

In Sri Lanka: Women from different ethnic communities have come together and shared their experiences – a step towards reconciliation initiated by women. Briefing papers and publications documenting women’s perspective on Transitional Justice, peace-building and security have created space for war affected women to raise their voice, and given grassroots level women a platform to openly express and make recommendations. Women survivors of war related violence have become leaders of Transitional Justice processes at district and national level.  There is an effective relationship between the FOKUS country office and the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, as well as functional relationships on local levels. The FOKUS office has been asked by the Ministry to assist them in drafting a national policy for Female Heads of Households and design an national action plan.


The evaluation report makes 16 recommendations to FOKUS, regarding both management, approaches and methodologies. Some of the recommendations are:

  1. Position the Programme in Colombia as a knowledge hub for rights-based gender approach to the peace accords in a post-conflict context.
  2. Tap the advocacy potential of the programme by developing a common overarching advocacy plan
  3. Continue to focus the Programme in Sri Lanka around UNSCR 1325
  4. Look into possibilities of further targeting and including men, youth and women with disabilities
  5. Look into ways of developing even “SMART”er indicators

Comments from the organisation

FOKUS has taken into consideration the recommendations of the evaluation when designing the next phase of the Programme. In addition, FOKUS will elaborate a follow up plan to ensure learning at FOKUS offices and partners.