Sports for social inclusion

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:August 2015
Utført av:Matt Thomas, Jigsaw Consulting, UK
Bestilt av:Kristen Idrettskontakt - KRIK
Tema:HIV/AIDS, Kultur og sport
Antall sider:37
Prosjektnummer:Norad QZA-12/0763-46, Digni 10732

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KRIK and CHRISC works to enhance potential of young people in the East Africa region through sports. CHRISC became registered as organizations in Tanzania and Uganda in 2003, followed by Kenya in 2004. KRIK has been a main partner since this.

An ever increasing %-age of the population in the region are people below 30 years of age. This group face numerous obstacles; amongst them social, political and cultural. Many suffer from abuse and economical exploitation. Sub-Saharan Africa is according to UNAIDS-report, the world's hardest-hit region on HIV/AIDS The project built on what CHRISC had already done  in the area.

The goal is to build youth leaders making them responsive to both own needs and the needs in the community. It is directed at youths aged 10-25 in several districts in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. It provides opportunities for sports and leadership building, increases life skills training opportunities including HIV/Aids awareness raising. CHRISC work through a network of volunteers and partner organizations.


The primary objective of the evaluation is to evaluate the project's relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability.


There are three distinct phases:

  1. Background review conducted of relevant materials (documents from KRIK & CHRISC) and briefings from key staff of KRIK and CHRISC
  2. Data collected from beneficiaries of the project (participants and volunteers) and entered into on-line survey tool
  3. Field visits in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Visiting communities where project implemented, interviews with staff, beneficiaries, volunteers and partners.

Key findings


Most helpful training and greatest change for individual: Improved sports skills, increased self-esteem and confidence, focus on child safeguarding. Greatest change in community; Change in attitude towards girls involvement in sports (more positive), reduction in harmful behaviour, awarness of HIV/AIDS


Need for improved sports opportunities and facilities has been addressed and is the core of CHRISC' activities. Unsafe behaviour and awareness raising (drugs, alcohol and unsafe sexual practices) have been adressed. Unemployment has not been addressed with a systematic approach. Some training has led to employment, but very little. Lack of access to education is a frequently mentioned need in community, and have not been addressed in a systematic manner, though requested by stakeholders. CHRISC should focus on their key competence, and try to engage with partners that can cover needs (e.g education) that CHRISC can not provide.



  • There should be developed a robust and embedded data management system and simple data collection tools
  • KRIK and CHRISC should aquire additional external M&E-support and develop a robust M&E-system through
  • A strategic plan for the next 5 yrs and clearer communication between partners and inside the organization
  • More training for staff and volunteers
  • Volunteer status (numbers
  • Strengthen current and explore new partnerships 
  • Review of staffing and high-quality training
  • Create a robust process for partners around contract agreement and target setting

Comments from the organisation, if any

The findings and conclusions are very helpful, and the recommendations are shared and discussed with partners to find the way forward. Both CHRISC and KRIK send a management letter each to Digni.