Evaluation of the Igreja Evangelica Assembleia Livre (IEALM) Secondary Schools Project

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:Juni 2018
Utført av:Catherine Collingwood
Tema:Utdanning og forskning, Sivilt samfunn, Demokrati
Antall sider:68

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As the current project cycle was drawing to an end IEALM contracted Catherine Collingwood to undertake a formative evaluation in order to reflect on the outcomes of the 2014-18 project phase in order to support evidence-based decision making about project.

The project also has had one previous phase, 2009-2013. However, between the two project phases, the project changed implementing partner, as well as strategic focus.



The terms of reference (TOR) specified that the objectives of the evaluation included:

  • Assessing the extent to which the planned goals and outputs have been met so far;
  • Identifying measurable change that has occurred as a result of the project locally and any unforeseen results on both the direct and indirect beneficiaries;
  • Making recommendations on the way forward for the future of IEALM SSP and its sustainability; and
  • Assessing what adjustments have been made and what others might be necessary.


The evaluation used a mixed methodology of data collection: a qualitative component, and a quantitative component:

  • Data on enrolments, dropouts and early pregnancies was provided by the Department of Education (DOE) and participating schools and analysed;
  • Project data on activities and numbers and outcomes was analysed;
  • 16 pupils who were “rescued” from dropping out were individually interviewed;
  • Four focus group interviews were conducted with a total of 44 parents and caregivers, including the chair and vice-chair of one of the school governing bodies;
  • One focus group was conducted with seven general community members;
  • Seven teachers from six schools were interviewed in pairs or small groups;
  • Five school principals were interviewed;
  • Two district education officials were interviewed;
  • Five activistas were interviewed individually;
  • Group interview conducted with five members of the Project Steering Committee;
  • One learning workshop conducted with Steering Committee, the Project Team, activistas employed by the project, and activistas volunteer in the church girls’ clubs.

Key findings

  • Perceptions have shifted o All respondents were of the opinion that girls should complete all grades at school. The right to education emerged as the most important human right for girls, followed by freedom of expression for girls.
  • The perception of the adults in the church has shifted.
  • Drop outs and early pregnancy rates have decreased amongst participating schools
  • The reduction in dropping out and early pregnancy can be attributed to the project intervention
  • Boys are also at risk of dropping out and they benefit from girls’ club
  • Pupils, parents, teachers and church workers are all empowered through the project
  • The project has successfully challenged gender stereotypes
  • There is a slight shift away from stigmatising pregnant girls
  • Girls continue to experience unique risk factors
  • The social outreach capacity of the church and its development has been strengthened

Why the model works

  • The model resources the teacher and the principal
  • Parents feel supported
  • Pastors and youth workers feel more confident
  • Community serves as a field reinforcing the message of school completion for girls
  • Pupils have a trusted adult and peer group formation where they can talk freely
  • Peers provide a circle of support in which to develop “grit”
  • Pupils experience the power within to make change
  • In terms of Cost: benefit, there is a high social return on project funds invested in preventing school drop outs.


  • Consolidate, institutionalise, emphasise sustainability
  • Expand, involve parents, advocate for DOE psycho-social support, change the role of activistas
  • Add financial content to the curriculum of girls’ club meetings
  • Investigate partnerships with other organisations working with orphans
  • Establish stronger relationships of interdependence with school’s gender coordinators
  • Revisit purpose of girls’ club network meetings
  • Monitoring and evaluation
  • Strengthen advocacy
  • Strengthen sustainability through intra-institutional and inter-organisational learning