
Follow-up of evaluations

On the basis of each evaluation, the Department for Evaluation makes recommendations for how the work should be followed up. The responsible ministry decides how the recommendations are taken forward.

When an evaluation report is completed, the Department for Evaluation prepares a letter to the management (Secretary General) in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Ministry of Climate and Environment, depending on who is responsible for the development assistance that has been evaluated.

The letter presents the department's own assessments and recommendations, with particular emphasis on any results of the evaluation that indicate strategic changes in Norwegian development policy or that may have budgetary consequences. The letter is sent to the ministry together with the evaluation report.

On the basis of this letter, the responsible ministry assesses whether there is a need for decisions and/or follow-up plans, including possible publication of these.

The follow-up procedures are described in the Evaluation strategy with procedures, as specified under Instructions for evaluation activities in Norwegian aid management, applicable from 1 January 2022 (both in Norwegian only).

In addition, the Department for Evaluation provides information to the general public by publishing the evaluation reports, preparing news releases and communicating findings from evaluations in an appropriate manner to stakeholders and the general public. They also publish an annual report on the evaluation task.

The Department for Evaluation’s letter, as well as follow-up plans from the ministries where such have been decided, are available together with the publication at norad.no/evaluation.

Published 5/14/2024
Published 5/14/2024
Updated 5/14/2024
Updated 5/14/2024