Annual Report 2015: Evaluation of Norwegian Development Cooperation

About the publication

Published:May 2016
Carried out by:Evaluation Department, Norad
Number of pages:44

NB! The publication is ONLY available electronically, and cannot be ordered on paper

The Evaluation Department`s annual report is based on evaluations and studies conducted between June 2015 and May 2016. It provides a brief description of the reports and highlights important lessons learned from the work as a whole.

Three important lessons are highlighted:

  • Norwegian development policy is characterized by unclear strategic guidelines, which makes it difficult to prioritize.
  • Lack of documentation of experiences gained from and results of the Norwegian interventions.
  • Long-term cooperation improves the chances of achieving good results.

This year's lessons are strikingly similar to experiences highlighted in previous years. Do we learn from the past? Are we moving towards better development?