Making Evaluation Work for the achievement of SDG 4.5 Equality and inclusion in education

About the publication

Published:July 2019
Type:Fellesevalueringer, Evalueringer
Area:Global uspesifisert
Theme:Utdanning og forskning, Kvinner og likestilling
Number of pages:56

NB! The publication is ONLY available electronically, and cannot be ordered on paper

This study is commissioned by the IOS Evaluation Office in UNESCO, in cooperation with the evaluation departments in Norad, Unicef, the World Bank, the World Food Programme and the Education Cannot Wait fund.

The purpose of the study was to synthesise evidence from already existing evaluations and assess whether use of these findings can help the achievements of Sustianable Development Goal 4.5 to eliminate gender disparities and ensure equal access to education and vocational training for vulnerable persons.

The study builds on findings from 147 independent evaluations from 13 multi- and bilateral organisations, including two evaluations from the Evaluation Department in Norad: Evaluation of Norwegian multilateral support to basic Education (Report 7/2015) og Evaluation of Norway’s support to education in conflict and crisis through civil society organisations (Report 9/2017)).

The study also reports on responses to the synthesis from national stakeholders in Ghana, Guatemala, Lebanon, Nepal and Peru.