Evaluation of Research on Norwegian Development Assistance

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:September 2011
Type:Evalueringsrapporter, Evalueringer
Utført av:SIPU International
Bestilt av:Norad
Antall sider:110

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Is there too little independent research about Norwegian development assistance, in a way that limits information and an informed debate about the results of aid?

The question is relevant, if only for the sheer size of aid. Official Norwegian development cooperation amounts to 27 billion kroner or approximately 5 billion US dollars per year. The question is also relevant because the voice of the intended beneficiaries of aid is often weak and far away.

Most would agree that the results of such a big investment should be monitored closely. This is actually the purpose of evaluation. But as evaluators, we know its limits. Evaluation can give useful information about the effects of aid and recommendations about how to improve it. But independent research can go further. It can ask its own questions, dig deeper over a longer period of time, and give more information about the aid world and the world without aid.

There is hardly a clear-cut answer to the question above. The present evaluation was commissioned to assess it by collecting and analysing information about research on development cooperation. Specifically, we wanted to know more about the amount, composition, and independence of research on Norwegian development assistance, with a view to recommend ways to strengthen independent research.

SIPU International carried out the evaluation and is responsible for the content of the report, including its findings, conclusions and recommendations.