Mt. Elgon Disaster Risk Reduction Programme (Mt. Elgon DRR Program)

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:Desember 2016
Type:Norad-innsamlede rapporter
Utført av:UGA-13/0013
Bestilt av:the Norwegian Embassy in Kampala
Tema:Humanitær bistand, Klima og miljø
Antall sider:47

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The Norwegian Embassy in Kampala has requested a Review of the project UGA-13/0013 Mt. Elgon Disaster Risk Reduction Programme. Based on a ToR drafted by the embassy, the Review Team has assessed the relevance, design, progress, management issues, efficiency, and sustainability including cross-cutting elements of the project.

Uganda Red Cross Society (URCS) is the agreement partner as well as the implementing partner of the project. The financial frame is NOK 14 mill for the period 2013-2016. The project activities are implemented in selected parishes in the following districts: Mbale, Sironko, Bududa, Kapchorwa, Bukwo and Bukedea.

The project had a delayed start, and recently a no-cost extension was granted up to 30. June 2017. The Team has assessed activities and deliverables under the four outputs. Overall, the outputs have been achieved or are on track. Community members have increased knowledge of hazards and risks facing their community (output 1).

Community members are also better prepared to respond on their own to disaster events (output 2).

Output 3 includes various mitigation projects and income generating activities. Investments in water and sanitation form a major part of this output together with tree-planting and establishment of woodlots.

The deliveries on water and sanitation are impressive, but sustainability after the closure of the project is an issue URCS must be aware of. With regard to tree planting and woodlots more emphasis should be put on the use of the trees – and where to plant which type of trees.

Output 4 deals with URCS and their capacity in disaster reduction and preparedness. The competence building activities have been useful. One major investment has been included under this output; construction of the storage building planned to be the first phase of proposed new Emergency Coordination Centre. URCS awaits a formal approval from the Embassy for the use of project funds.

Environment and climate, gender, human rights and anti-corruption are seen as the main cross-cutting issues. The project has integrated environment and climate as well as gender actively in the project.

Human rights lies as a foundation in all Red Cross interventions. With regard to anti-corruption; URCS has faced major challenges under the previous leadership. The top management was dismissed in 2013 based on serious mismanagement issues, and the Board was also changed.

The URCS today has new management and updated routines and protocols and put great emphasis on a zero tolerance policy.   The efficiency of the project is deemed as very good. URCS has a decentralised structure in place and has committed staff in place on all levels. URCS has also a network of volunteers including youth groups and women groups.

The main recommendations can be found in the last chapter. The recommendations made by the Review team have been divided in (i) Priorities for the last 6 months; (ii) A non-continuation of the project; what will be the issues; and (iii) Recommendations for a possible continuation.

As a whole the project is well on track in the opinion of the Review Team.