Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:September 2021
Utført av:Rosette IRAMPAGARIKIYE, Msc
Bestilt av:NCA Burundi
Antall sider:29

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With a view to contributing to the promotion of hygiene and sanitation, the NCA and UNICEF have launched a Total Sanitation Led by Schools (RUTF) program (1) in Busoni commune, Kirundo province in 2016. Their goal was to
end open defecation. Thanks to this program, 66 communities of this municipality have been certified ODF as of April 26, 2019.

The study aimed on the one hand to evaluate the stage of defecation two years after the 66 target communities were declared ODF. Have all these communities kept ODF status or not? Has there been any form of regression? At which level? On the other hand, the aim was to carry out a Barrier Analysis study in relation to the use of latrines, to identify and understand the main determinants of latrine use.

Data collection consisted of recording information on the level of defecation in the ODF-certified area. The certified area was subdivided into two sub-areas within which a sample of 24 communities was taken. The first sub-zone
is made up of the communities that have direct access to the lakes, while the second is made up of the communities that do not have direct access to the lakes. For each community, 15 to 25 households were visited for interviews.

Only heads of households (male or female) were interviewed. A survey guide was designed and digitalized in Kobo to facilitate data collection. The structure of this guide and field observations made it possible to extract information on the general stage of defecation while referring to the basic
criteria for ODF certification, namely:
- Every HH has a well-functioning latrine with a slab that prevents the presence of flies.
- the latrine must be clean and well maintained.
- No defecation in the surrounding of the house or of the latrine.
- Every HH has a installed a hands-washing device near the latrine

Key Findings:
The main purpose of this study was to determine the stage of defecation in the Kirundo commune defecation two years after the 66 target communities were declared ODF – and to conduct a behaviour analysis study in relation to the use of latrines to identify and understand the main determinants of latrine use.

No target communities have maintained ODF status. The main reason for this is that the criterion "to have a handwashing device" was not met by all households of at least one community two years after the 66 target communities were declared ODF. If we only consider latrine coverage, the rate rises to 62.5%. This corresponds to a regression of 37.5% because at the time of certification all households in these communities had latrines.
As for the results concerning the Barrier Analysis study, five determinants influencing the use of latrines were identified.

These determinants are closely related to (i) accessibility, including the cost of the latrine and distance, and; (ii) social norms.

Specific Recommendations:
As lessons learned and recommendations:

1. During the analysis of the level of defecation, we found that there are latrines that can be described as poor, and
which should not be considered. These are (i) unfenced or half-fenced latrines, (ii) latrines without slabs, (iii) unfenced
latrines without slabs but also (iv) latrines fenced in straw. In addition, we must encourage the adoption of latrines with

2. The non-maintenance of ODF status by the communities of Busoni commune is very much linked to the non-respect of
the criterion "possession of the hand washing device". In view of the various constraints mentioned by the population,
we recommend:
- To all the competent organs of the State, both local and international NGOs, to take seriously the problem of
the lack of water in Busoni commune and improve access to water for the population.
- To the population of Busoni, to take care of the available water sources and develop rainwater recovery

3. Since the main determinants influencing the use of latrines are very much related to accessibility including the cost of
the latrine and the distance, we recommend to:
- Promote the multiplication of latrines in public places (markets, schools, churches, on public taps, etc.).
- Organize discussion groups to raise people's awareness of human-environment-human contamination.

4. Local authorities, health and education workers positively influence hygiene and sanitation behaviour in Busoni
commune. Being good accelerators of change in society, we recommend:
- Their involvement in the planning and implementation of all projects, particularly those related to hygiene and
sanitation to promote rapid change.
- Strengthen the capacities of local authorities and “abaremeshakiyago” in terms of hygiene and sanitation so
that they, in turn, sensitize households on the harmful effects of open defecation.
- Integrate the hygiene and sanitation aspect into education programs: multiply, support and regularly
supervise hygiene and sanitation clubs in schools.