Norwegian Church Aid-Final Evaluation of DG ECHO Project in South and Central Darfur, Sudan

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Utgitt:August 2021
Bestilt av:Norwegian Church Aid
Antall sider:75

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(1) Assessment of project results in line with OECD-DAC criteria and Core Humanitarian Standards (CHS),

(2) Identifying lessons and good practice from the overall Action response and recovery programme to inform NCA and potentially wider sector to future response to similar WASH and Health services, and

(3) Assessment of the degree of added value of Action project in Darfur, Sudan

4) Examining what level of preparedness at NCA Khartoum Office had /could have had, what went well in the coordination / management of it, what didn’t and what ought to be done differently going forward etc.



Mixed methods approach of data collection, using primary and secondary data sources, combining both qualitative and quantitative data elements were deployed. Data collection involved desk reviews of documents and collection of primary data through Key Informant Interviews (KIIs), Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), Beneficiary Surveys (KAP & SMART Nutrition Surveys), Observations, and Most Significant Change (MSC) stories/Case Studies capturing.


Key Findings and recommendations


Outcome 1: Improved access to WASH related supply and services among South Sudanese refugees, IPDs, returnees and host communities

  • % Of `households that practice safe handwashing behaviours at critical times has reached to 91%
  • % of target population with adequate WASH services and hygiene practices 90.5% of the targeted population, an increased achievement from the baseline of 66%.
  • A total of 191,121 people were reached with safe water supply

Outcome 2: Improved access and utilisation of health services and reduced morbidity/mortality associated with illness among South Sudanese refugees, IDPs and host communities

  • % Of women giving birth are monitored by skilled staff at health facility, home and hospital level (referral) has reached 74% against target of 70%.
  • 371 of patients referred and followed up at a secondary unit (Nyala hospital) and target was 150 patients.
  • 85 % of women attending ANC programming and receiving TT2-inline with the target 85%.

Outcome 3: Reduced malnutrition cases among children <5, and Pregnant and Lactating Women (PLWs) within IDPs, South Sudanese refugees and host communities in Bilel IDP areas.

  • Number of <5 children admitted for treatment of SAM and MAM has reached 8738 against the targeted 2167, showing an increased food insecurity and malnutrition
  • 97 % of beneficiaries admitted to supplementary feeding centre recovered/cured, 1 % defaulted and 0 death in line with the sphere standard.

Outcome 4: Support IDPs and returnees affected by the recent conflict in North Jebal Marra locality, Central Darfur state with ES/NFIs

  • 30,000 people having access to basic, safe & dignified shelter solutions against the targeted 18,000 people.
  • 2535 vulnerable IDP households having accessed NFIs short of the targeted 5375 IDPs.
  • 89,2% of target population living in safe and dignified shelter in secure settlements. Target was 70%
  • 13 disaster risk reduction committees (DRRCs) were trained and participated in distribution processes.


Specific Recommendations:

  • New external assistance needed to sustain the NCA action’s results on WASH:
  • Capacity building of local structures is key for sustainability which should be replicated:
  • Need to provide durable software & hardware interventions by future projects as camps for IDP and refugees are becoming permanent: Against the backdrop of the camps transitioning from temporary to permanent structures (as returning is proving difficult),
  • Gaps in emergency latrines need to be closed:
  • Community sensitisation, including using community structures should be replicated:
  • Stocking out of drugs experiences should be addressed by increased medical rations and

transport facilities