Inclusive Education in the Sahel - End review

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:Mars 2023
Type:Norad-innsamlede rapporter
Utført av:AMD International
Bestilt av:Norad
Område:Burkina Faso, Niger
Tema:Utdanning og forskning
Antall sider:85

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This evaluation focuses on the Inclusive Education in the Sahel (JES) project. Funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), the IES project was implemented in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger between September 2017 and December 2022. The implementation was done by Humanity & Inclusion (HI) in partnership with two sub-regional organizations namely the African Network Campaign for Education For All (ANCEFA) and the West Africa Federation of the Disabled (WAFOD) with their national federations. The overall objective of this project was to improve access and retention of marginalized girls and boys in quality education. Four outcomes were expected, including (i) 01. More children with disabilities and refugees are enrolled in school; (ii) 02. Schools are physically accessible to all children; (iii) 03. Education systems in Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger become increasingly inclusive; (iv) 04. The quality of services is strengthened and learning methods become more inclusive. Interventions have benefited marginalized girls and boys, including children with disabilities, refugees, and IDPs. Other stakeholders include institutional partners (ministries in charge of education and urban planning), civil society organizations (CSOs), implementing partners, educational staff, and parents. This evaluation was commissioned and funded by Hi's project Regional Coordination. The evaluation took place over the period from September 2022 to March 2023. It was conducted by an independent team of three consultants under the coordination of the consulting firm «Associes en Management public et Developpement» (AMD) International.